Men Are So Damned Oppressed

I found one of the best comments on A Voice for Men that explains how tough men have it.

‘I’ve been around in the movement a long long time. And I hate these realizations. And AVFM has done the best job ever, out of any other men’s rights orgs, in building up and holding together an organization. But the fact is that most men are too fucking apathetic and too engrossed in trivia and competition for pussy to sacrifice anything at all for the movement. The only thing that will change that, will be the thumb screws being tightened on them to such a point they can not sit watching foot and drinking beer anymore.’~ Stu

Once a man has it so tough that he can’t watch football and have a beer, he’ll join the Men’s rights movement. Those damned pesky feminazis stealing our beer and our football games! Men are so damned oppressed!


Male Oppression