A Teachable Moment?

This blog gets tons of MRA comments that never make it through. This particular comment I’m going to publish is indicative of how MRA’s mangle feminism in order to fauxfight. MRA’s need to invent things about feminism in order to make it their enemy.

In response to my post ‘A Voice for Men Admits Raping Women is Part of Male Sexuality’ I got this response:

Andy Koenigs 13h

Sorry but you got this backwards. Feminists believe rape is normal male sexuality. MRAs are trying to put an end to this stereotype.

Could we all use this moment, probably in vain, to teach Andy about rape and rape culture? Now I know it’s not our job to do this but we could also have some fun. I do admit I like toys. Who doesn’t like toys?

Now if dudebro did the slightest bit of research he wouldn’t be so ignorant as to think feminists think all men are rapists and its part of their sexuality. That’s something that AVFM does, not feminists.