Profile of a Misogynist: Dr. Greg Canning

greg canning

Greg Canning and his mug ‘Fuck their Shit Up’ which incidentally, he can’t seem to do

Dr. Greg Canning is a skin cancer specialist and GP at the Hermit Park Clinic in Queensland, Australia. He’s also the Australian News Director for AVFM and an MRA who likes to start problems with women whom he can’t control. He’s featured on the nametheproblem website as a misogynist who harasses women.

He used to teach at James Cook University. That was before he met a feminist who he couldn’t silence. Betty McLelland, a prof at the Uni said something Greg threw a conniption over and he got so flustered he quit his teaching post. The reasons? She wasn’t punished or ‘talked to’ by any of her superiors because guess what? Women are allowed to speak about rape because it happens to us a lot and we’re also allowed to name the problem: men who rape and/or perpetuate rape culture.

Betty is also part of the local Women’s Centre and probably part of Take Back the Night, which Greg wrote about in 2013 on AVFM. What struck me about that story is the AVFM sticker that was found on the door to Spinifex Press, where many JCU women’s studies books are published. I’m sure Greg had nothing to do with that right?

Let’s just say the locals know who this creepy dude is. I found him mansplaining on a research site and here he is featured in his local paper writing about men’s rights.

Greg’s found a new feminist enemy who has gone to TBNT in his town, Cassie Watter, a social worker tied in with the feminist community at JCU and works at Child Health and Development Centre in Queensland. Cassie violated a custody order a few weeks ago and took off with her two daughters Bronte and Isabella. The interesting part is that people are aiding her in doing this. Greg thinks it’s a massive feminist conspiracy and wrote about it.

He called Cassie a ‘man-hater’ and described her as ‘in association with the violence-promoting ideologues at the James Cook University School of Social Work.’ He also has a picture of her at a TBTN rally that he got off the event’s FB page. He loves to stalk women in his community and online.

The feminist community in Queensland knows who Greg Canning is too because he targeted JCU prof Betty McLelland and hung around on the TBNT Facebook page last year. He took issue with just about everything that was posted there including this awesome poster CLICK TO ENLARGE

01_Stop-rape-posterNow that Cassie is on the run with her two daughters for the last 4 months, Greg Canning has something to do besides put AVFM stickers on feminist publishing houses of doom. The dudebros over at AVFM are convinced that Cassie is a child abuser, which there’s ZERO evidence for, but she is a feminist and she’s open about it and the MRA’s are having a mental breakdown because of  it.

I don’t put anything past MRA’s. If they can harm a woman they will. I just hope that Cassie and her daughters are safe. I don’t know the particulars since there is no court record to show why she doesn’t have legal custody. I’m sure we’ll find out at some point.

In closing I want to leave you with a little poster that Greg Canning thinks was inspired by him. After monitoring the TBTN FB page, Greg wrote a letter to his local paper about how men are so abused and raped just like women because we can’t have one day in the year where women protest male violence. I’m guessing, but after getting his letter published in the local paper he posted it on the TBNT FB page in a taunt. This graphic was the response: CLICK TO ENLARGE


If you search his name on Google you’ll find him seeking out domestic violence research and other pages where he can spew his bullshit about DV. Here’s a video interview he did regarding the topic and it comes out Dr. Greg Canning was accused of  battering his wife and they are divorced. She took out a restraining order against him. Now we come to the reality. He’s a batterer.

Canning postered a Melbourne Uni with posters that said women were ‘half the problem’ in domestic violence. The response by the Uni is here. The posters weren’t welcomed is the short version and men on campus got together and put this poster up CLICK TO ENLARGE


Greg Canning is a busy little beaver. Be on the lookout for him, especially if you live in Townsville, Queensland, Aus.