Paul Elam Explains Why He Uses the Word ‘Nigger’

Paul Elam’s daughter relayed a story to Buzzfeed about the time she wanted to go see Grandmaster Flash while she was visiting her father in Texas. Elam responded, calling it ‘nigger music’ that he didn’t want to hear.

When this came out, Elam denied having used racist epithets. Even in his response article he denied it. So imagine the surprise when in the comment section he had this to say:
 photo PaulElamonniggerusage_zpsb77d6359.png

So which is it?

I think this is Paul’s way of justifying his actions. Deny, then make up some story about how it’s culturally appropriate to call African Americans ‘niggers’ because ‘1957’ and ‘Texas.’

Makes total sense.

Thanks to MissAndry for the tip.