Star Wars: Shove a Dick In Your Mouth

Men’s rights activists are bleating like goats over the fact that the newest Star Wars features female characters and other minority faces. It’s gotten them so angry you can go to Youtube and search ‘Star Wars Feminism’ and get a plethora of angry white males screaming into the camera.

Now I’m not going to watch all of these videos because they’re essentially all the same. The white male hero they sit behind their computer screens and imagine is them is not there. Men are losing their grip as masters of the Universe and it’s got them hyperventilating bigtime and of course they blame feminism women.

Even the director of the movie was under the impression that Star Wars was ‘for boys.’ He had to be corrected. Men erase 50% of the population as part of their gender training. Girls aren’t supposed to like Star Wars.

I saw the original movie when it first came out in the theater with my father. I loved it and became an instant fan but I have a vagina. Having one of those means that my brain somehow is inferior and can’t like it.

Some of the Honey Badgers got together during a hangout on Elam’s channel and whined for a couple hours with their brethren over this travesty. At one point in the hangout, one of the male MRA’s tells a FeMRA she needs a dick in her mouth because Star Wars doesn’t cater to his every need. Don’t believe me? Go to 1:02:20 in this clip and listen to the violent male:


Disgusting innit? So if you’re a woman who loves the new Star Wars you deserve to have a dick shoved in your mouth till you choke. No boys club misogyny to see here!

It gets worse. MRA’s think Luke Skywalker is on a jihad. Racism too! They even talk about how ‘not sexist’ the first three movies were. Anyone remember Princess Leia in that bikini, chained up like an animal and being sexualized by Jabba the Hutt? Naw. No sexism there.

MRA’s are so removed from the real world that I wonder if they ever leave their mommy’s basement.

Here are some of the comments that made me LOL

‘Anakin skywalker, just another example of a boy raised by a single mom’~ idiot MRA

‘A good story is a good story but feminists will never understand this.’~idiot MRA in irony land