‘We Don’t Even Discriminate Against Men!’ Says the Greatest Human Rights Movement EVER.

Paul Elam is doing his seasonal ‘damseling’ for 20 or so thousand dollars. Let me explain the concept of ‘damseling.’ I think most of you who read this blog remember how MRA’s and other male gamers targeted Anita Sarkeesian and sent her rape and death threats. A Voice For Men added their hatred into it as well by writing several nasty articles about her and doing radio shows about her. In fact, MRA’s still whine about her, saying the death/rape threats were her own fault. The following comments by an MRA were left on an article totally unrelated to Anita Sarkeesian. In fact he left these comments on the Queen’s Journal story about the recent assault of a female student who opposed a ‘Men’s Rights’ group on campus. CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE


mra angry at anita sarkeesian

mra angry at anita sarkeesian3 mra angry at anita sarkeesian2mra angry at anita sarkeesian2

MRA’s will never leave Anita alone and that includes Paul Elam. Paul Elam claimed Anita was ‘damseling’ ie. acting weak and using female victimhood to get money. Anita wouldn’t have received so much support if it wasn’t for the endless streams of misogyny directed at her from A Voice for Men and other sites like 4chan but lets not let the truth get in the way of some MRM ‘activism.’

The fact is Paul does the same kind of ‘damseling’ every few months when he has a need for money, which he clearly told everyone who donates to him he spends on himself. We’ve heard a lot of MRA’s crying that there’s no shelters for men but we know the MRM is not interested in opening up a men’s shelter or doing really anything for men and boys.

Paul’s pleas for money are carefully crafted and always with a little disclaimer

Results are difficult to measure.

Yes, they are difficult to measure when you’re not really doing anything except trying to turn back the clock for women and using violent rhetoric to try to harm us. This is the Men’s rights slogan: ‘Fuck Their Shit Up.’

What was most interesting to me is the most up-voted comment on Paul’s Fundraiser post.


‘AVFM is one of the only humanitarian organizations in the world that doesn’t discriminate against anybody-not even men.’

Is this a joke or something? Does everyone reading this find that statement to be a bit odd? Why would you have to point out that you don’t even discriminate against men when you’re supposedly a movement for men? It’s an admission OF discrimination the way I read it. Well, lets not get too hung up on it because later in the comments AVFM members show just how much tolerance they have for men.



Surely ‘we don’t even discriminate against men’ but we’ll gladly call men ‘Manginas’ when they don’t agree with our woman hating.



Paul Elam’s YouTube Video that doesn’t even discriminate against men.