Jack Barnes Learns About Consequences After Threatening Kerri Sackville And Others

This will not be allowed to continue without consequences.~Jack Barnes

Truer words hath never been spoken. Now that Jack Barnes has published an angry, threatening screed against journalist Kerri Sackville, the Australian Broadcasting Company has a full article and picture of Barnes which includes his threats and affiliation with hate site A Voice for Men.

Jack Barnes is one of the most unstable men over at A Voice for Men and that’s not saying much I know. He’s attacked and threatened journalist Kerri Sackville over a Huffpo article where the hashtag #endviolenceagainstwomen was created by a private women’s group on Facebook to highlight the violent misogynist abuse men direct at women. Women are simply re-tweeting the screen name of the male abuser plus his abusive comments.

Clementine Ford is also involved in the campaign.  Men don’t even hide their identities while hurling misogynist threats. One abuser was fired from his job after sending Ford abuse.

Here’s a summary of the #endviolenceagainstwomen Twitter campaign. It’s important to note that the campaign is over a month old and Jack Barnes is still beating his chest over it.

“The campaign was born of reading through the messages on Clem’s social media posts and I was horrified. There are men threatening to rape, maim and murder her. As a woman in the media I sometimes get abused but I’m under the radar. So, for me, it’s a matter of ‘If violence and abuse is directed at one woman, it’s directed at all of us,” Sackville said.

Unfortunately, she’s not under the radar anymore. Now that she’s taken a stand the men are more than willing to violate her too.

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Jack Barnes, member of A Voice for Men hate group

Nothing like proving women right, eh Jacky boy? Now, Barnes is hurling abuse at Sackville, effectively showing that not only is it metaphorically true that misogyny is directed at all women but it actually is directed at all women. Jack Barnes and the fellas over at A Voice for Men will make sure of it.

Jack let loose on his precious keyboard in an article titled ‘Is Kerry Sackville a Slut?’

‘Is Kerri Sackville a slut? Maybe. Maybe not. But she is a cunt. She is crazy. She is a misogynist. She is a misandrist. Judging by her behavior of late, the word “cunt” is a good description.’

Before Jack engages in his violent diatribe he gives the men some advice, which he fails to take himself.

‘They want you to be offended by what they say. Don’t give them what they want. It deflates them and sends them on their way. But I’m an adult which is the biggest difference between Kerri and myself.’

Barnes is about to prove every woman involved in this campaign correct with a metaphor about strangling women.

It’s no secret that we have our hands on the throat of feminism. This isn’t the time to ease up. This is the time to squeeze harder.

Next he imagines lots of men in a gang style attack:

‘Here is what we do. We make it hurt. If they want to continue to do this then we make them regret it. They need to learn that their are consequences for doing this. They need to learn that we will extract a pound of flesh, figuratively speaking. They need to learn to fear retribution from us.’

He makes reference to a new plan that will come into play at the end of February. It’s the same old plan: violence and misogyny directed at women online and offline.

‘Lets just say a plan is in place and being brought into fruition as we speak. Expect it to be revealed before the end of February provided that everything goes according to plan. Let me also say that soon we will have online tools at our disposal to strike fear in the hearts of feminists. Be ready for it.’

Barnes has invented grandiose stories about feminists attacking him that remind me of JohntheOther’s boxcutting wielding feminist story that was completely discredited.

‘MHRAs with lives ruined, imprisoned and dead is not outside the realm of possibility. This is not tinfoil hat thinking’


‘The tactics Sackville & Co. use are very similar to that of the German SS.’

Someone better tell Twitter that retweeting is just like Nazi Germany.

There are indeed consequences for being a violent asshat online.