It’s Women’s Job To Tame Male Anger Says Mansplainer Doctor Dude

Here’s the justification that somedude on Youtube gave for accepting anger. He compares women crying to violence as if they’re the same thing. Sorry dude but violence and acting out in anger at another isn’t the same as crying.

Take a listen to this bullshit, who claims in his title that he’s some kind of doctor.

This is just another cultural pacifier for women to accept men acting out at them. If more men would actually cry instead of use violence just think of how many women wouldn’t be taking trips to ER rooms to have their faces put back together.

This guy is justifying violence and making it women’s responsibility to accept male violence and tame it.

3 thoughts on “It’s Women’s Job To Tame Male Anger Says Mansplainer Doctor Dude

  1. Well said. I started the video but the guy is so low-consciousness I decided it would be a waste of time to listen to it all.

    “If more men would actually cry instead of use violence just think of how many women wouldn’t be taking trips to ER rooms to have their faces put back together.” Precisely.

    In other news, Karen Straughan is officially packing it in today at AVFM and Honey Badger radio over the JtO/Davison v Elam schism:

    “I think I might ask AVFM to remove me from the masthead and delete my contributor account. I appreciate the good work they do as much as I have always appreciated the good work John and Diana do, but if I have to go completely solo in order to maintain some distance from this bullshit, I might end up having to do that. I might end up having to take a (possibly permanent) hiatus from HBR, too, because apparently you can’t even be friends with someone or talk to them without being “in their camp”, and there’s fewer than six vaginas of separation between HBR and Janet Bloomfield and so yeah. That’s out, too.”

    See JtO’s video: She’s all over the comments.

    My reaction is here:

    • I know this manfighting has been going on a while. It’s pretty funny watching them eat each other. I’ve got some screenshots of Karen’s boasting I’ll be sharing. She actually thinks feminists love conservatism.

  2. I didn’t watch the video (feel bad enough today without listening to mansplaining), but really, if anger is a normal male reaction to things women would cry about, then … let’s lock up all men in prisons? It’s obviously not safe to be around them.
    (Why DO men try and justify their violence by claiming that it’s natural? The only thing they achieve is convincing women that they cannot be reformed and have to be locked up.)

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