12 Years a Slave

A bit of a rambly post of thoughts. I just finished watching ’12 Years a Slave’ and cried my eyes out. Some of the best moments in the film were extended silent shots of Solomon and the human expression of the actors and actresses blew me away.

However, my tears suddenly turned to anger as I reopened my browser window and looked on Twitter. Dean Esmay, one of the leaders of the ‘Men’s Rights’ movement had tweeted me some bullshit about me lying about the ‘Men’s Rights movement.’ I’ve called out his misogyny in the past.  He doesn’t engage the issues. He just says ‘you’re a liar.’ It’s like trying to talk to a 7 year old child.

My rage increased when I found these remarks from MRA’s on AVFM:

the treatment [of men] is equivalent to the same attitude and treatment of blacks and jews in other times and societies.

It reminded me, the anger did, that Dean Esmay, Paul Elam and the rest of the nincompoop’s over at a Voice For Men have appropriated other people’s suffering by comparing themselves to black slaves.

This isn’t the first time MRA’s have appropriated the suffering of other groups. They regularly declare themselves Jews through crappy metaphors. Those comparisons irk me because I am Jewish. There’s never a level where these guys won’t sink.

The appropriation of black slavery by a group of white heterosexual men is enough to induce severe anger and the need to vomit. Do they truly think they are being in any way oppressed like Jews, black slaves, Kurds etc.? It boggles my mind.

Apparently, while the world has been turning, these oppressed white het dudes have been getting tattooed and put into concentration camps where they’re barely fed and work over 12 hours a day. Apparently, these dudes have been put on a whipping posts and had their backs split open while the American people went through the British rock invasion of 70’s. We all missed it. The entire American population must’ve been comatose by some strange cultural brew.

I had no idea white straight males were systematically enslaved and forced to work for free. Warren Farrell was the only American who noticed this white male genocide happening under our noses. It got Farrell so worked up he wrote about it in ‘The Myth of Male Power.’ He gave Americans the single reason why men were, as a class, totally powerless: women’s butts.

I mean, come. on. people. It’s all logic and stuff.

Notions of the American male walking around in chains is the image these fuckwits are trying to sell, and they’re really not doing themselves any favors. Can you picture the Marlboro Man with a ball gag in his mouth instead of a smoke? What really happened to the American male?


Paul Elam happened. Yep, that crusty old gawky cocaine addict alcoholic woman-hater from Texas. He happened. I can’t imagine what it was like for a male slave growing up being able to afford cocaine! He probably didn’t even have a credit card to cut it and had to use some paper he stole from his master. Oh the OPPRESSION! Surely, slaves had no time to get addicted to anything, but Elam, in all his oppression and at least 4 marriages and divorces, found a way.

Dean Esmay. Who the hell is this guy? He’s just some dude from five fingers Mary. (It’s a Michigan reference, or so I’m told). Where the fuck does he fit in to all of this? If anyone watched the big ole Canadian protest last year you can see Esmay with a beer gut and the shakes. Did he take the Underground Railroad to get to Canada?

slave auction

All the white heterosexual males can be found here

And what about Karen Stringbeanhead and TyphoonBlue? Women in Canada had a slave past too? I wonder if they’re enslaved by female butts too?

Seriously people, this is ree-donkulus. I’m angry. I want these idiots to stop appropriating other people’s collective suffering. I know they get attention by rolling around on the net having mantrums but this is just maddening. Telling the whole world that white middle class males are the slave class is just, well, pathetic.

So listen up all you oppressed men with computers and food in your fridge:

Tell me how you are even remotely similar to Jews in WWII or black slaves. I reeeeeeaaally wanna know how video game-playing porn addicts, who obviously aren’t working, are like slaves. The MRA commenter who can explain this to me gets a surprise award and a desperately needed reality check.