Paul Elam Wants To Harm Journalists and Their Families

Elam wrote a post that he took down very quickly whereby he threatens all the journalists who have written honestly about him and his hate site. I think the last piece calling him a woman hating asshole in so many words by his own home town paper brought out a case of ‘Elam-has-serious-anger issues.’

Here is the archive of what Paul wrote. Here is the apology he wrote in its place.

He is now backtracking as he has realized he just threatened a whole bunch of people and their families. Even some in his audience were taken aback by Elam’s rage but some were egging him on.

In the months ahead we will be teaching some of these people, all that we can, a lesson or three about what happens when you go too far in provoking the wrong people.

So, you can bet right now that if Jeff Sharlet, Mariah Blake, Adam Serwer and a whole lot of other people have dirt in their backgrounds, we are going to dig it up and spread it around like gonorrhea in a whorehouse.
That goes for their family members and embittered exes as well. Two can play at that game and it is our turn.

There are two archives of Twitter exchanges Dean Esmay and Paul Elam had with Nicole Sandler, a radio host who had Jeff Sharlet on to talk about his excellent piece on MRA’s. Archive 1, Archive 2

Paul Elam has a serious problem with women and anger issues. We’ve known about his hatred for quite some time. It seems his stunts for media attention have gotten him exactly what he deserves.