MRA’s: The Ultimate Wedding Planners

Weddings are so much fun, but take a lot of planning, sorta like a conference but in this case wedding planning is misandry or so the misogynists over at AVFM say. August Lovenskiolds is running around like a chicken with its head cut off because a lovely feminist, Laura Bates of the Everyday Sexism project , is tying the knot, fortunately not to August or any other lonely dudebros over at AVFM, but to her ‘new domestic slave.’

"one should never underestimate the power of a feminist to exploit traditional roles to harvest money from men to buy shoes and wear-once clothing."~August Lovenskiolds, AVFM

“one should never underestimate the power of a feminist to exploit traditional roles to harvest money from men to buy shoes and wear-once clothing.”~August Lovenskiolds, AVFM

AVFM is totally concerned that the weddings feminists are having are traditional and yet are furious that Bates seems to be contributing to ‘misogyny’ by having a traditional wedding, which she’s not. ‘It’s a ‘feminist sham worthy of the same respect due campus sexual assault claims,’ says Lovenskiolds, and ‘Valenti’s feminism erases all feeling and passion from pair-bonding and sexuality.’  Read that in your best David Attenborough voice and tell me you didn’t laugh.

He even reminisces about Jessica Valenti’s wedding nuptials saying that she lacked ‘marital commitment’ because she kept her last name. Bates is also a violator of the patriarchal naming principle, all in the spirit of traditionalism, which er, isn’t actually present.

He moans Laura Bates wants to

 ‘demonize and demolish, in an abstract way, men and male sexuality in general and the civilization men built at the behest of women: she has decided that the personal is political and so she plans to enslave, torture, and destroy one exceedingly unlucky bloke in order to reify the feminist inclination to exterminate the patriarchy that feeds, clothes, and shelters her from the hazards of the world.’

The concern about the gown didn’t escape Lovenskiolds either. Laura Bates is ‘undeserving of a white dress symbolizing purity/virginity. But consistent with her brand of feminism that emphasizes the importance of celebrating female narcissism, she opted for the traditional white gown anyway.’ The horror.

This, he says, is feminists being ‘traditional’ and feminists aren’t supposed to be traditional at all or else they’re giving in to the patriarchy. I never knew AVFM was so concerned about something they claim doesn’t exist and yet claim it’s happening in this wedding when it’s not.

Even the poor plants are going to suffer according to Lovenskiolds. ”They are also the sliced-off sexual organs of plants,’ he complains.

Has anyone else noticed that every complaint revolves around sex and some phallic paranoid theory about castration?

Lovenskiolds has realized that weddings are about ‘channelling your inner slut’ and even throwing the bouquet is something Bates threw ‘like a girl.’

For so much venom from MRA’s over at AVFM for feminist weddings, one thing’s for sure. AVFM can’t say these two feminists are man-hating lesbians like they usually do to women . He also attacks the men who are marrying these lovely women. Valenti’s husband is a ‘cuckold’ and Lovenskiolds worries about Laura’s future husband’s ‘dwindling masculinity.’

This is uh, supposed to be about men’s rights but as the misters show us once again it has nothing to do with what men want to do with their lives. It’s about shaming men who are doing things they’d love to be doing if only they could get past the hatreds and jealousies that clog their small minds.



I am never out of good material from the cheezeheads over at AVFM. Karen Straughan, a FeMRA who is known for not understanding the late 18th/early 20th century roles of women has now ventured into a windy diatribe about Slutwalk.

Slutwalk is an activist movement of women (and men) whereby women challenge the notion that dressing ‘slutty’ is somehow indicative that a woman deserves to be raped. Women from major cities all over the world protest this idea in Slutwalks where they wear sexy clothing. A few MRA’s went to Slutwalk in Edmonton, Canada where they wore sandwich boards that said ‘I love sluts.’  When asked how they felt about the message of Slutwalk their eyes boggled and they said ‘Well, we just love sluts.’ I don’t find it particularly stunning that none of the MRA’s actually understood Slutwalk. As a radical feminist I have some issues with Slutwalk but they involve a thorough understanding of the politics behind it.

Karen has an entire theory about Slutwalk that definitely deserves to be laughed at by picking it apart. She says:

‘I see slutwalks as a bizarre economic niche for the female sexual cartel. Tons of sexual imagery, a lot of it “cheap”, at least in the sense that the slutty outfits (slut-fits?) worn tend to not be expensive. The use of “slut” is a flagrant evocation of “cheapness” (also individual, female-only freedom and empowerment).’

Sexual cartel? So if the women dressed in Gucci bras then it would evoke what exactly? No Karen, the term ‘slut’ is being used because word appropriation is the name of the game here. The point is taking that word away from people like you who quite clearly don’t get it. I don’t really know what’s wrong with female freedom and empowerment but I find it curious she uses the words ‘female-only.’

She says:

‘It’s like slutwalkers intuitively understand that the price of sex can no longer remain inflated, and that the effort to boost the value of female sexuality to pre-sexual revolution levels would require all or most women to exercise self-restraint (both in how they present themselves, and in their sexual choices). So they seek to maintain scarcity through other means, in order to keep the price artificially inflated.’

I didn’t know these women were prostitutes but in MRA-land all women are money grubbing

whores who sell sex to men for security aka traditional marriage. If Karen wants to have a serious conversation about the sexual revolution then she can’t begin this ignorantly. The sexual revolution has been criticized for its patriarchal intent. In fact, in watching a documentary about the ‘free love’ generation every man from that time period didn’t consider it about peace and harmony. They considered it about getting laid. What a great idea eh? Let’s convince the ladies that having sex with us males is going to bring world peace. I don’t doubt that people genuinely thought of it

Because this is what women were made for. (L) some MRA dudebro (R) Karen Straughan

Because this is what women were made for. (L) some MRA dudebro (R) Karen Straughan. Complete with oven mitts.

that way and believed it. However, as feminists we know that the sexual revolution happened within a system: patriarchy.

According to Karen, all the women in Slutwalk are prostitutes. She even has the gall to say:

‘Slutwalk economics: an exchange of goods and [sexual] services, in which the purveyors of the services can behave in any way they choose, with no quality control or restraint, but in which they can affix an after-the-fact “price” in the way of punitive damages if the goods offered in exchange are not to their liking. Slutwalk economics is the boulder slung up above the dish of free bird seed.’

Why do these FeMRA’s always frame women in terms of what women can give to the menz sexually for money? Well maybe it’s because that’s how FeMRA’s operate? Every single one of the women involved in the MRM has donation buttons on everything they touch, especially Karen Straughan. One time, Karen, according to her own ideas about women like Anita Sarkeesian, ‘damseled’ herself to the MRA’s and made several grand from doing it. Paul Elam defines damseling:

‘…threatening to cry and faint and never step up to prove their equalness again if men don’t start protecting them from harsh words typed from behind anonymous screen names on the interwebs.’

Here’s her followup video to this one where she claims she got a false DMCA. She cried about how her family was in danger over a lousy false DMCA on Youtube. She also blamed it on several feminists (including KristinaRad),  and then asked all her MRA pals to send her money. She even brags about her ‘fat purse’  and how the men will rally to her cause.

It’s not only this kind of e-begging she engages in but she also allows the male MRA’s to endlessly sexualize her without saying a peep. In one radio show she did there were male MRA’s in the audience that said he wanted her breast milk for his coffee:

MRA sexualizes Karen in a live radio show asking for her breast milk and she says nothing.

Allowing random men to sexualize you means you get paid more.

It’s no wonder why Karen can’t appropriately understand Slutwalk. In her mind women are just prostitutes who ‘damsel’, give sex, and enter traditional marriage for money and that’s her strategy, not feminists.

‘And the thing is, this strategy helps them maintain the value of what they’re selling, not matter how many people have already purchased it or enjoyed free samples.’~Karen Straughan aka Girlwriteswhat
