A 6’8″ Tall Man Hits a 5’2″ Woman: Who is This Man?

Paul Elam’s glorifying violence against women today in his doubling down of his ‘Bash A Violent Bitch Month’ article he wrote a few years ago or at least he thinks so. It was actually written late 2013. So much for self awareness.

I am 6’8” tall and 285 pounds. If a woman five feet tall and 110 pounds soaking wet hits me, I am going to hit her back.

I can’t imagine how a tiny woman hitting a man that big would even hurt him, nor can I imagine as a tiny woman myself even thinking about doing it. Rest assured Paul Elam wants to hit women. He thinks this is a grand lesson in violence prevention aka ‘making women pay.’ It really just his wish. He thinks equality means he can respond with violence. This is why he named the article ‘Equality Can Pack Quite a Punch.’

I would do my best to return the violence proportionally, to just use enough force to stop the attack, but I can make no guarantees.

I used to date a man who worked in a prison. He was given instruction on what to do if any man took a swipe or took out a weapon. It’s called restraining. He even had the opportunity to use restraint against a woman who tried attacking me out of jealousy. He didn’t haul off and hit her like Paul wants to do. He just grabbed her arms, put them behind her back and didn’t allow her to enact any violence against him or I. Do you think Elam, being almost 7 feet tall, can restrain a woman who weighs 110 pounds? I think so but this isn’t about restraining. It’s about wishing he could have a ‘reason’ to hit a tiny woman.

The only way to prevent this and the consequences that may result is for people to keep their hands off me.

Who else thinks this way? What man in their right mind would ever suggest hitting a much smaller person? Only a man who hates women. It would be like me smacking my toddler ‘with no guarantees’ because he hit me. Elam wants to perpetuate violence, not stop it. He’s itching to hit women.

I am not getting giddy about it.

Why remind your audience you’re not giddy if that’s exactly what you are Paul?

We can only hope that it will just take more reason and morality, not right hooks, to get the message across that no one should be hit.

The reasonable thing to do here is restrain, not enact MORE violence. That’s the moral thing to do but Paul’s moral compass has been broken for quite a while.

Neither of these camps can understand the simple assumptions that instigating violence is wrong, and that self-defense is a human right.

Paul thinks Ray Rice’s wife instigated the violence enacted against her and that women as a group bring it on themselves. Ray Rice, a football player, was caught on camera dragging his wife out of an elevator after enacting ‘equality’ on her. Here’s the video:


He’s still aware, standing, talking. She really must’ve clocked him eh? If this video doesn’t illustrate why ‘hitting back’ is morally wrong then I don’t know what does.

Will we ever live in a society that shuns all violence; that does not glorify it from one sex and demonize it in the other, even when in self-defense?

I don’t know, and I don’t know anyone who does. But I do know that human rights are not something you maintain by asking for them or waiting on anyone or anything to bestow them.

Let’s just keep telling men that hitting women is OK because hey, they’re stronger and bigger and can do more damage. Sounds like a total human rights statement to me. Let’s also start suggesting to hit children who are much smaller too instead of restraining them. We can make this world a better place if we obey a bitter misogynist man who wishes a 5’2″ woman would try hitting his 6’8″ frame to give him an excuse to hit.



I Said I Wouldn’t Publish This But I Am

I made a video about a month ago about MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way). It’s not my most watched video but it’s the fastest growing and in only a couple weeks was at 5,000 views. Every single day I get at least another 10 shares and comments.

After a week of monitoring the comments, I stopped. It’s a cesspool of MGTOW’s on that comment section. So I decided I would reprint some of the comments to show what misogynists they truly are. They claim they’re not interested in women but it’s all they ever talk about. You’d think a feminist, nay, a radical feminist opinion on them wouldn’t mean anything to them. Quite the contrary.

This Vention guy has made several sock accounts to return to my channel to comment. He left a very long comment about his finances but at the end he said:

‘But if he marries his quality of life depends almost completely on his wife. She can add value to his life with the love and kindness women are thought to have in such abundance (unlikely) or more likely she will subtract value and happiness from his life, and about 50% of the time she will destroy his life with a divorce, child support, alimony, false accusations, lying about abuse to get a restraining order, then parental alienation, interference with visitation and so on until the kids is grown up and escapes her. Then she becomes a bitter old woman like you. ‘

The paranoia of these guys is just, well, amazing. I notice that he says his quality of life will essentially revolve around a female. I find that very telling. Most women I talk to who are in relationships love their partners but don’t put their entire psychological mind at the mercy of them. Sure, being married to one person is a commitment but not a place for ending your ‘self’ to the point where there are no boundaries.

It seems to me none of these men are capable of having a healthy relationship. As I stated in my video, they are psychologically ‘problematic.’ The paranoia, the focus on percentages as if life is just a math puzzle, the self-fulfilling negativity, and the rest of it make these men incapable.

One of the common themes of the comments is that I don’t really understand MGTOW. What’s there to ‘understand’ when the main principle of the ‘movement’ is to completely swear off having ANY female involved in your life? This is where we come to it. It’s not really about swearing off women. It’s about the desire to control women.

Most of these men say they don’t like women from the US, and I know many of them think of getting a wife from a third world country, a submissive wife, who they will displace from her home and therefore dominate her in every way they can.

‘American women are disgusting trash. BOYCOTT THEM! Refuse to marry them! Only date or marry Asian women instead!’

‘Women surprisingly control a lot of aspects in the household like household spending, food spending, car purchases, and other aspects while initiating divorce a majority of the time.’

I don’t know why that’s so surprising except for he gives it away that he wants control. This theme, to them, is set within a traditional family where he works and he makes the money. To him, a woman shouldn’t be able to leave.

MGTOW don’t hate women,…they just do not need to marry them.
….A piece of ass for the night, is available everywhere, so why buy the cow when you get the milk for free ? It’s the feminist ideal. True Rennisance men who are more than capable of  living their lives successfully, and able to do it with no need of help at all.
Ironic, isn’t it? Calling a woman an object, a piece of ass, and then claiming he doesn’t hate women nor does he need anything from anyone.
The comment that stuck out to me referred to MGTOW’s as a dangerous group looking for a ‘final solution.’ Nobody replied to it in any serious way and that’s because this group of men is not really serious except about wanting control over women. Many of them said the point of MGTOW is to spread it to other men, like a virus, infecting other men with paranoia about women. The commenter that referred to a final solution can see that a possible outcome is violence. I think many of us who monitor these men know that eventually, one of them is going to commit an act of violence, if they can get out from behind the keyboard long enough.