Aurini Wants $15 Thousand Dollars After Releasing 40 Minutes of The Sarkeesian Effect

Aurini has made a long winded, dishonest video begging for money and released and a 40 minute ‘preview’ of his silly movie The Sarkeesian Effect.

Who in the fuck releases a 40 minute rough preview?

Go Fund Me has forbidden Aurini from raising any money on their site so he’s taken to a simple donate Paypal scheme and he wants FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. For what? I dunno since his editing is just Youtube quality, nothing special. You can tell Anita’s videos are much higher in quality and don’t contain terrible soundtracks that aren’t mixed properly.

Aurini claims his job is mostly ‘keeping Jordan from exploding.’

Anyone who can’t see the dishonesty in both Aurini and Owen deserves to see all their cash taken away from them so an adult can monitor it.

Aurini is begging for cash to hire a PI to dig into Anita’s past as suggested by porno-stalker Michael Whiteacre:

The 40 minute preview I won’t show here, but just link it. I have a feeling this will turn into a lolsuit as Aurini spent a great deal of time saying both he and Owen can use the footage which I doubt is true. He even released a contract on his website that was never signed by anyone but confirms Michael Whiteacre as the mediator. See my last post on the shady Whiteacre and his involvement with the shitty project.

As usual the men’s rightsers responsible for Gamergate and making and funding this film, along with some porn actresses who know less about video games than Anita does, can’t manage to make a single coherent argument against Sarkeesian.

The critique Sarkeesian did of Bayonetta, in which she claims the female lead character is hypersexualzed and objectified, is NEVER countered by Aurini and Owen. Aurini simply says that Bayonetta was designed by a woman, therefore it’s not made for a male audience and cannot possibly objectify women. *yawn* Even the cover of the game shows the female lead’s legs open with her crotch staring male customers in the face.

Aurini and Owen make strawman after strawman. It’s not even worth it at this point.

Jordan Owen Poor Victim of Emotional Bullying Or a Bully Himself?

Jordan Owen has come out with a new video where he expresses just how much of a con artist and emotionally abusive asshole his movie partner Aurini really is. It’s not like most people don’t know this about Aurini but Owen is playing victim when he’s just as bad. Owen just happens to be a bit more socially clueless than Aurini and that aspect of his personality tends to attract sympathy. What I want to say to Jordan Owen is, serves you right.

Remember those years on Youtube where you and your friends bullied 3 radfems for our stances on prostitution? You’ve neatly erased that history from Youtube as have most of your gang but I remember and I’m sure if asked the other two women they will recall it too. So you can take your sob story about being abused and shove it. This is poetic justice.

It’s not only you but also your mysterious mediator, who we all know is Michael Whiteacre aka Ari Bass, that also stalks and attacks women online and calls it ‘activism.’ Sound familiar?

Now nobody deserves online abuse but my goodness you’re acting like some innocent party when you’re just as much of an abusive asshole as your bro Aurini.

The fact that you’re making a film attacking a woman isn’t lost on me. I remember how you stalked porn abolitionists Gail Dines and Shelley Lubben with Whiteacre, and probably still do to some degree. My impression of your stalking when I witnessed it was that you were an opportunist, just looking for a woman to attack so you could make a name for yourself. You stalked Dines viciously, just like you did to the three of us. If she was doing any kind of real time event you’d be the first one sending comments to her. Dines even recognized you in a live event for the stalker that you are. Those videos of yours are still up. Hell, you even made a 41 video playlist of your stalking.

Like one of my commenters pointed out, your silly movie on Anita is just something you and your failed porno friends have opportunistically attached yourselves to to get cash. That’s all this is. Some of your donators should look up your mediator Whiteacre and his wife Christina Perriera. And here. And here And here. While I don’t like feMRA WoolyBumblebee, she did a blog post on Whiteacre too. He’s pretty shady.

You even put Paul ‘Bash a Bitch’ Elam in your silly film while you whinge and moan that you don’t want your film to be associated with the men’s rights movement. Are you dense?

You know what’s odd about this? Guess who’s involved with Whiteacre? Paul Elam’s porn lawyer Mark Randazza. Here’s some sort of scandal involving these two. Of course, it’s about stalking a woman.

Let’s face it, the people who’ve come out of the woodwork to make this silly ‘documentary’ are just simply in it to con a bunch of male gamers who think the world is coming to an end because a woman has a different opinion about how games are made. You failed pornofundies saw a way in to a cash cow and are milking it for every cent. I’d like to think these male gamers are smart but they’ve shown us just how much anger blinds them. They’re so butt hurt over Anita they’ve completely lost any and all rationality. Hey, if they want to flush their cash down the toilet, that’s their prerogative.

Oh and this shit about Aurini feeding you red pills and trying to get you to become an MRA? You are an MRA. Plus, I read the chat logs that Aurini released the last time your bromance blew up in March. You were in a rage over Roosh’s misogyny but in your mind it’s ok to buy and sell women’s bodies like cattle and film them being abused. *yawn*

Owen is getting lots of sympathy from Youtubers who call themselves ‘SJW’s’ and it’s totally undeserved but then again the Youtubers who consider themselves pro feminist aren’t feminists at all. Many of the ‘pro feminists’ that are sympathizing with poor Jordan Owen were part of the same group that harassed three radical feminists for *gasp* daring to stand for women’s rights.

I just want people to know that Owen isn’t what he says he is. This whole pity party over his failed bromance with Aurini is totally undeserved. He’s not a victim. He’s a perpetrator. The final thing I want to mention is that Owen dropped another ‘we need money’ line in his latest video where he talks about Whiteacre being on his side in this. Funny how he’s angry at Aurini for his latest cash grab but mark my words, Owen and Whiteacre will ask for more money before this is over. Anyone who trusts these guys is a total fool.

Owen’s ‘victim’ video


The Sarkeesian Effect Blows Up, Again UPDATED

Whaddya do when two men’s rights Gamergate weirdos get together to harass a woman? You put two greedy males together that take Patreon money and spend it on cars and everything but what they’ve said they were gonna spend it on. Heeeey, sorta like what they’re accusing Anita Sarkeesian of doing but have zero evidence for.

These two dudes started a fundraiser for thousands of dollars to make a movie worth $5 dollars called ‘The Sarkeesian Effect.’ The preview is so good it will give you a massive headache from the soundtrack, which is just a couple notes played on a cheap Casio keyboard over and over again.

The one thing it does have in abundance is skulls. Much more skulls.

This movie has a ton of drama, but the key is it’s not in the movie, it’s between the two Gamergate turds that are stealing handling your money. Aurini (skullman) is a white nationalist men’s rights whactivist who cuckolds his bro-partner and pro-prostitution lobbyist Jordan Owen for not getting laid. It’s a bromance of the third kind.

These two can’t tie their own shoes without the other interfering in some way.

Here’s Jordan Owen, claiming his bro is trying to steal $15 K.

And one bro must try to steal your money again by saying he’s never addressed any of Anita’s arguments because there’s so many arguments to destroy and needs another $15 K do it.

He’s also very efficient, at taking your money.

After Jordan Owen exposed his money hungry bro, Aurini came back with a video retort that amounts to ‘my mediator friend says I need money so give me money.’

I’ll add to this MRA drama as it happens.

This video explains the bromance these two have had over the last year. It’s a Gamergate hangout where Jordan lets loose and explains how Aurini is a die hard MRA who was really pushing the Manosphere on him. This is hilarious.

Go to 6 minutes in to start:

Aurini then went on another channel to ‘discuss’ what happened.

Now if you’re wondering who the ‘mediator’ is, I’ve been told it’s some failed backyard porno producer Michael Whiteacre. I’ve had run-ins with Owen and Whiteacre in the past when I vehemently denounced pornography. Here’s a sample of the calibre of argument this creep Whiteacre makes. Whiteacre is just as much sleezeball as Owen and Aurini.

Here’s a comment left today about WHO the mediator really is:CLICK TO ENLARGE

who the mediator isI think these two bozos have made a mockery of themselves, Gamergate and the men’s rights movement, which everyone who’s been watching this bromance has expected. What’s going to happen is there will be two films, one made by Aurini and one made by Owen. Aurini is a slimeball and he’s probably been making his own film this entire time.

SargonofAkkad, a typical men’s rights/Gamergate opportunist got a chance to watch Aurini’s version of the film which was presented to him as the joint project. He made a video reviewing this 20 minutes of film I’m sure Owen hasn’t seen. When Owen found out Sargon uploaded his review he informed him of Aurini’s scamming and Sargon took his video down. However, it was downloaded and reuploaded by TheWoolyBumblebee, a female MRA who was kicked out of A Voice for Men for stealing money, which she vehemently denies.

I Got a Bone To Pick With You Jordan Owen

I’m an old Youtube user and it’s come to my attention over the last few months that some Youtubers from the past are now considering themselves feminists when just a few years ago they were anti-feminists. Now, not to deny that people change their views and that sometimes they get educated but it seems like they’ve really done a 180. I question their motives. I think much of it is for personal gain and not because they’ve truly had a change of heart.

Enter Jordan Owen, one of many Youtubers who I had several dealings with in the past. Currently he’s the dude working on that silly Sarkeesian Effect video (I won’t call it a movie cuz it just ain’t). He’s having a manfight with another sleazebag Davis Aurini, with whom he was supposed to partner with to the end of production of said video.

In his manfight with Aurini, Owen is railing against Roosh, another sleazy rapist PUA in the Manosphere who brags about forcing women ie. sexually assaulting them and coming up with a plan to stop rape by making rape legal. Owen had a mantrum with Aurini over some period of time about Roosh, who was supposedly a huge supporter of their silly video project. Owen made some videos deriding Roosh and Aurini immediately told him to take at least one of them down saying that Roosh was some key player in the support of their project. Aurini didn’t want Owen to piss off the people who were donating money.

In the chat logs Aurini posted as some revenge ploy against Owen, you can read the mantrum. I uploaded them into a .docx file just in case Aurini takes them down.

Owen’s complaints about Roosh involve his disdain for Roosh sleeping around spreading STD’s. He also thinks Roosh’s stances on women and rape are highly problematic and even called them ‘misogynist.’ What’s hilarious about this is that Owen is trying to paint himself as the good guy when in reality he’s just as big an MRA as the rest of them. He’s certainly not pro feminist.

A few years ago it was Owen blabbering out video after video attacking me and other feminists for opposing the socioeconomic coercion of women and girls into the sex industry. He made videos declaring his love of all things pornographic as well as attacking ANY feminist who disagreed with him that the sex industry was a hip job for 13 year old girls. I suppose he thought of himself as a proud ‘john’ who thinks nothing of the very real fact that minority women and girls are TRAFFICKED into western countries to live a life of servitude and paid rape in various ‘massage parlours’ across USA and Canada. His current video catalogue shows him as a stalker of Gail Dines, prominent anti-exploitation radical feminist.

jordan owen

Being abused in porn and prostitution is something I’ll never have to worry about~ says neckbeard white male

Suddenly Owen wants us all to think he’s got the moral high ground here but I remember. I remember his big blabbery mouth years ago while he endorsed the SLAVERY of women and girls, the PAID RAPE of women and girls through the ‘sex industry.’

The nerve he has to call Roosh a misogynist while he’s screeching at women that porn is somehow empowering is just effing INSANE, and ultimate irony. I left a comment on his unlisted video where he tells Aurini he’s not taking down his criticism videos of Roosh:

 This is rich coming from you when all you did was attack women who don’t agree with you on women being forced by socioeconomic coercion into an industry that is paid rape. You are so fucking disgusting, the both of you. You deserve each other. And don’t cheapen Dworkin’s words. She’s a far better human than you. She actually gives a shit about racial women being racially profiled and forced into prostitution. You don’t. You’re fucking ignorant and have quite a nerve getting on Roosh’s case when you’re no fucking better.

I stand by every word. Hey Jordan, you creepy fuck, let’s not pretend you’re sympathetic to women’s issues. Challenging Dworkin just makes you look like a shithog who will never have to worry about being broke and selling your ass on the street while men stick their dicks into every orifice of your body without consent. You’re no better than Roosh or Aurini. Maybe 3rd wave ‘feminists’ will buy into your bullshit but I won’t. Maybe they’ll have sympathy for you but I won’t.
Take a long walk off a short pier you creep.