Paul Elam to Hire Private Investigator to Go After Woman Assaulted at Queen’s U : I Love Fucking Their Shit Up

Paul Elam is offering money to whoever can find information about Danielle D’Entremont and her attack. He added

If, after a reasonable period of time, AVFM has not been able to secure answers directly from the people involved, we will hire private investigators to find out what we can.

This is how much he’s prepared to put into this. He’s willing to have a PI follow D’Entremont and her friends and family to ‘investigate’ because he knows as well as everyone else that her assault is the end result of his ‘activism’ and it drives him mad.

He’s owns A Voice for Men, a website full of rape apology, hatred of women and feminists, and stories about beating women to a bloody pulp. His slogan is ‘Fuck Their Shit Up.’ He knows full well that the hatred and violence that creates attacks on women come from him and now, from his angry chair in Texas, he’s calling for more intense personal measures.

He should’ve thought of that before opening up his website and spreading hate-filled messages about women and feminists, which are interchangeable to his audience. He likes to appear as a ‘helper’ of men yet instead of helping these angry men he makes them even angrier. He describes his site as a place for men to express their anger because they can’t do it anywhere else.  He also employs private forums for members to gather and plan online attacks. He takes advantage of these men by sending them this urgent message that feminists are ruining their lives and he’s the one that’s going to truly help them. He then collects thousands of dollars from these disenfranchised men and graciously offers a bit of the money back to ‘get information’ on feminists. It’s a subtle way of getting men to stalk women and it works.

If people think it’s only his readership that doxxes, think again. Paul doxxed a minor child for his buddy Gary Triestman so Gary wouldn’t be the one to get in legal trouble.  He made sure to put a legal disclaimer after the doc dropping of the child, the mother, pictures of the CPS worker etc.

This article is the work of Paul Elam, copyright Sept 7, 2013. The text, research and opinions are solely the product and ownership of the author.


Center: Paul Elam with ‘I Love Fucking Their Shit Up’ T shirt. Totally non-violent.

Paul also owns the sister site ‘Register Her’ which contained pictures of various women with the word ‘bigot’ underneath or ‘false accuser of rape.’  The site was hacked and is now being run by John Hambling, Paul’s close friend.  The logo of the site is ‘Fuck Their Shit Up.’ Not exactly a non-violent approach no matter how often Paul claims otherwise.

Fucking their shit up can mean just about anything. MRA’s have followed women in the middle of the night. They stalked a Cafe where they thought ‘feminists’ hang around and put up their misogynist posters, sort of like a dare, and then hid nearby. The women came out, saw the posters, tore them down. To avoid a conflict MRA’s could’ve just put the posters back up after the women left but that’s not what FTSU means. Instead they jumped out behind the women in the dark, shined cameras and lights in their faces and stalked them down the street asking them ‘questions.’

Afterward the still images from the video were put up on AVFM and Paul Elam offered money to whoever could identify the women and get their personal information.

Ask the red-haired feminist who was filmed at a protest trying to talk to MRA’s. For her it meant dropping her dox, forcing her to close all her social media accounts.

That brings us to Danielle. In her case, it was a physical assault. In all probability it was an MRA. Hours after the attack MRA’s were blaming just about everybody but themselves. They flooded the Queen’s Journal with comments about radical feminists throwing Danielle down the stairs in an effort to blame MRA’s. The conspiracy theories were everywhere.

Suddenly, about 2 weeks after the attack, Paul Elam changed his tune. Instead of coming up with more conspiracy theories he decided to try and clean up AVFM’s image. He offered money to bring Danielle’s attacker to justice. This wasn’t without an underlying sinister strategy. His thinking was along the lines of ‘if the feminists don’t take us up on this offer and add to the monetary reward then they’re at fault.’ He upped the reward a few times, getting more and more shrill that feminists weren’t joining him. It was a nice trick but it didn’t work.

To this day Paul Elam thinks the attack either never happened or was orchestrated by feminists. His monetary strategy he knew would fail and he’d get to blame feminists.

Elam isn’t ever going to help men. It’s as if he wants everyone else to help and accuses others of not doing enough.

Those offended by our delivery would be better served to start acknowledging and addressing the problems than in whining about the fact that we are often conspicuously assertive and provocative when we challenge them to do so.

Hateful rhetoric and inciting violence are the only things Paul Elam has ever done for his cause. He’s had many years of collecting money from his readership while using them to carry out what he’d like to do. He even admits that he loves harming women and feminists and gets sexually excited by it. Click here to see more of Paul’s violent rhetoric.

You see, I find you, as a feminist, to be a loathsome, vile piece of human garbage. I find you so pernicious and repugnant that the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection.

If anyone knows Danielle D’Entremont, please warn her and her family and friends about her continued need for safety.


21 thoughts on “Paul Elam to Hire Private Investigator to Go After Woman Assaulted at Queen’s U : I Love Fucking Their Shit Up

  1. It looks very odd to me that when I try to do a Google search of this incident involving the Queen’s Uni. student, almost everything I find is MRA site, a couple of sites telling of the original incident and your post about it here at this blog.

    I’m inclined to ask the question, “Isn’t what they’re doing illegal?” But, I already know all the possible answers to that question up close and in person. Even if there were a law, it would not be enforced.

  2. Is it illegal? Might be interesting if Ms. D’Entremont decided to ask that question. Could it rise to the criminal level of intimidation based on gender? Is it interference with a criminal investigation, obstructing law enforcement? Is the intent to force her to withdraw as a witness? is it criminal stalking/cyberbullying/harassment?

    I don’t know, but I do see the dirty-trick politics here. I think it’s safe to say that Elam considered the situation and decided he could hurt the victim without much danger of being held responsible.

    He knows that this is a documented instance in which it appears a feminist woman was assaulted by a male because of her sex and her feminism. He knows his site is considered by many to be the leader online in inciting hatred against women. Her report to the police is a political threat as it tends to indicate that women who speak up and support feminism may be physically harmed by men incited into it by online MRM demagoguery, as AVFM has been warned over and over was bound to happen. He’s feeling the heat.

    He knows she is a private young person, a student, and likely to have few resources to protect herself, while he has a rabid group of supporters, no family to protect, no reputation to lose.

    He knows that by now the perpetrator probably won’t be found, as so often occurs. He’s decided to go for the spin. He’ll pressure law enforcement to close the case as unsolved, and then he’ll twist that into “unfounded” and from there on to “false”. He’s done it before. If he goes so far as to harass her with a private investigator and he doesn’t like the report, it will disappear, no harm no foul. If there’s one line of such a report he likes, that’s the line he’ll run with and no one will ever see the rest.

    The “reward” is a publicity stunt to let the media know he’s calling her a liar (and perjurer, if she has signed any sworn statement). He’s not putting up a dime of his own money; he’s wringing it out of his supporters. Nothing to lose there. He’s even trying to shame feminist groups for not interfering with the police as he is doing.

    He’s going to get creamed by a Queens newspaper over the whole course of conduct of MRAs at Canadian universities and he knows it, so an aggressive little deflection like a threat to hire his own investigator can’t hurt.

    For the sake of not just the current victim who is being revictimized, but also for future victims of violence who must not be intimidated into failing to report it, I hope this will backfire and that Elam is universally condemned for these tactics..

    • I have no idea if what he’s doing is illegal. It is definitely intimidation but I don’t know how Canadian law applies.

      Yes, his goal the entire time was to try and clean up his image after 2 weeks of nonstop posting on Queen’s journal that Danielle is a liar, she hurt herself, her feminist allies beat her up, ALL TO HARM the poor MRA’s.

      His plan: offer money to get the perp while pushing the ‘nonviolent’ message (which is hilarious because it’s his violent rhetoric that causes this to begin with). He pushes the money and claims ‘if feminists don’t help us then they’re at fault.’ It was, he thought, quite clever. He knew no feminist orgs would EVER pair up with his violent hate site. In the end he could say ‘See, feminists are the problem here.’

      If anyone knows Danielle or friends and family, let her know about her continual need for safety.

  3. Thanks for writing this post. It is past time for feminists to form a defense organization to counter these attacks on isolated women and girls.

    I think your use of the word “sinister” sums up the underhanded tactics used by Elam and his site. It’s a bad blow for men with real issues that this is their self-appointed leader. Elam has done huge harm to men by stressing hate rather than activism and positive political work.

    I just wanted to add that this sentence from your excellent post, I think, doesn’t get deep enough into Elam’s strategy:

    “To this day Paul Elam thinks the attack either never happened or was orchestrated by feminists.”

    I think Elam believes the attack happened and was perpetrated by an MRA. All of this is a strategy to contain the damage. As usual, not one word he says is true; the truth is always in the subtext.

    • Yes, I couldn’t agree more. My email is available on this site and I encourage women to research and network with each other. Spread the word about this site to every woman you can. Contact women who are mentioned on this blog about their need to protect themselves and/or take action.

  4. In a free and just society, Elam would be in jail or worse. But since we live in a misogynist cesspool, we have to deal with his insanity.


    No women’s defense organization can prevent the regular mass shootings, but I think that the danger is even more severe for individual targeted women, especially when personal information is also provided, and that they can at least be put on their guard by such an organization, along with other defenses.

    The Santa Barbara massacre raises once more a general thought in my mind, that it is not feminists the MRM hates: it is women, all women. The reasons for this hatred, at bottom, seem to be psychosexual rather than political. This kind of hate comes from the same place that Elliott Rodgers’, George Sodini, and Marc Lepine’s violence comes from.

    If anyone wants to discuss further what such an organization might do, I have a few ideas –

    Organize as an arm of a larger, already organized women’s group.

    Maintain strict anonymity.

    Ask many feminist blogs to link in their sidebars to a site that disseminates information regarding each attack. Also, use such a site to explain how to protect anonymity online and for general information on MRM dirty-trick tactics.

    Prepare standard notifications to send to women as soon as possible after they are targeted. Include information about the MRM and its figureheads so they understand as soon as possible what is occurring.

    Develop a private list of real-life identities of specific attackers for legal defense purposes.

    Prepare press releases and blog posts to counter MRM media campigns.

    Assist in police investigations and civil lawsuits by providing background information about the MRM.

    Fund-raise to assist targets in protecting themselves.

    The purpose would be to de-isolate the targets and prevent harm.


  6. Jumpin’ Jehosephat! I just woke up to the Santa Barbara massacre. Dave Futrelle is right on top of it – that’s where I saw it first in my WordPress Feed – and he’s right. This guy’s rhetoric is very typical MRA/PUA stuff we’ve all read before and heard IRL – I’m a nice guy, women have to have sex with me or I’m being abused – all the male tears are included in the massive collection of videos at this “nice guy’s” YT channel.

    And people are asking why they didn’t take him more seriously when he was posting all over bodybuilding forums lamenting that he couldn’t get laid and how he was entitled to affection, sex and love from women, etc.

    Now 7 people – they keep saying people, but I’m guessing it’s all or mostly women because he said he was going to shoot up blonde women at a sorority house on campus – are dead.

    What is it going to take before things like “Go fuck their shit up!” are taken seriously? How many mass killings of women will it take? How many attacks on women at their homes? How many women and children fleeing in terror in the middle of the night?

    I’m back to look at some more of this psychotic stuff over coffee – but, so far it is identical to MRA rhetoric, as Futrelle points out. All kinds of red flags ought to be going and alarms sounding regarding the increasing violence and threats of violence coming from the men who share this mass murderer’s philosophy.

  7. Yikes! I’m reading DeutschundMusik’s link to the Daily Kos article above. Apparently, this is not a coincidence – the Rodger was a member of a couple of MRA/PUA sites. The word-for-word MRA/PUA rhetoric is most likely coming from them.

    It looks to me like the MRAs are turning up the violence against us very deliberately.

  8. Geez, I should be doing some real work, but I can’t stop looking at this thing. has a good article just posted today that I thought might especially interest you, HMQ. I found it interesting, anyway.

    It’s here:

    There’s not only a reference to what happened to Danielle there, but a link and a quote from Elam in which he appears to be instructing his disciples to be violent toward women.

    I know you study these guys really hard, HMQ, so you’ve probably already seen it. On the other hand, I try not to see too much of it, so it’s ALL very enlightening to me.

  9. Hi, WOTW and Diana,

    Three more bodies have been found in his apartment. He wrote a 100-plus page manifesto like Breivik, also found there.

    The SPLC has a supplemental article up with some new information:

    The men’srights sub has an interesting posting along the lines of, “well, guys, this kills the MRM.”

    On a bodybuilding site, he made the direct threat, “Kill all women.” Elsewhere, he said that feminism is evil, because it encourages women to control access to their bodies.

    Suggestion: let’s talk more about a defense org. privately. Diana, can you set up a private thread for an invitation-only discussion?

    • MRAs are crawling all over the SPLC’s comment sections on the two articles I’ve read there so far.

      As for creating a world where women fear men – I think they’ve more than accomplished that.

      I would participate in a private discussion. Although, I have no idea how to start one without the possibility of being invaded by MRAs. I get a ridiculous number of slimy trolls at my tiny little blog, so I’m sure they’re reading this one in fairly large numbers, even when they manage to refrain from trolling.

      • Okay… I just signed up for Skype, HMQ. And, I sent you a message with my Skype name so you can message me anytime you want. I used the Gmail address you gave me a long time ago – I know you don’t check that account often, so I thought I should mention it here.

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