Man in Dress Attacks Woman in Public Bathroom

My latest video on Gregory Schwartz, 40 year old man who played dress up and sexually assaulted a woman in a department store public bathroom in California.

Please note that transactivists are already falsely flagging my videos. If you have a Youtube channel, please download and mirror my videos. Hell, start a Youtube channel and do this to protect women’s voices.


Saturday Abolitionist Hangout on Prostitution UPDATED

I’m having a Google hangout on Saturday at 1pm Pacific time with a couple people on prostitution. You can check out our past hangout here.

I will focus on Germany and how the govt is regretting their decision to legalize and what they’re trying to do now to control the massive problems. I will also talk about Australia’s proposals to change their laws too.

I’ll put the link here and on Twitter just before the show goes live.

Here’s the LINK  to the show. COme join us!


Also, stay tuned for the form to sign up for the Mancheeze Newsletter.


The show went for about 3 hours. I mainly talked about Germany’s problems since legalizing prostitution in 2002. I used a vast array of sources during the show. There is a list of links that will be available in the description box of the video. I just sent them to Buntzums, my co-host, today so they’ll be up soon.

Here is the show:



Paul Elam Goes Bonkers

Elam’s at it again, and this time he’s really flown the coop. A video was produced about the biggest thing girls deal with even before puberty: sexual assault.

It’s a very touching look at how boys are taught to see girls as prey. It’s moving and Elam has gone nuts over it. Here’s his ‘response’ to a woman being sexually assaulted as a girl and as a woman.

I have no words for his response.

WOW SOMETHING NEW! Female Scientist Does a Video Showing Patriarchy Exists: Gets Attacked By Manchildren

Welcome to the Phil ‘Mike’ Mason Buchanan’s Super-Duper Explanation of Why Men Dominate and Control Socioeconomic and Political Power in Western Democracies:

Dr. ‘Mike’ Mason Buchanan’s data

Just another day on the male cesspool known as Youtube!

I shouldn’t be too hard on him because many Liberal feminists think there’s a male and female brain too even though the best neuroscientists have debunked it.

First, watch the video that made Phil have a sad in his pants, which is very good.

The top rated comment goes to….. wait for it…

THUNDERFart aka the human impression of a Cardassian. That neck!

ZOMG… I have an even better example of ‘patriarchy’… where women are forbidden from competing with men. Its a global organization called ‘The Olympics’. For some reason ‘patriarchy’ has ensured that women cannot run as fast or jump as high as men. Must be cultural norms! After all… it cant be biological differences, because if it was biological differences, you would have to accept that brain function is part of biology! Just apply you brilliantly reasoned social test to it…. the one which you finally get to after 12 minutes of droning on about how proud you are of your ‘opinion = fact… if I call it science’ qualifications… if there are not 50 % of women in the fastest runners, then there must be a social, cultural norms or political exclusion of women…. yknow patriarchy! Oh wait… maybe biology plays a role too!? Lets see, politicians tend to be risk takers, and men are more likely to be risk takers. So more men in politics is actually more a statement of ‘jobs that require risk tend to attract risk takers’ rather than ‘THIS PROVES WE ARE LIVING UNDER A PATRIARCHY! PS its a good thing you went for the politics, cos theres just no way you would have cut it in the STEM fields.

Wow, What a… just an unbelievable straw man! We all should know that in Phil’s world men who run fast are just OBVIOUSLY supposed to lead the world in fucking everything.

Thunderfart isn’t a very good scientist at all. He’s more interested in making a fool out of himself.

I have no idea what Olympic running events have to do with why men are at the top socioeconomically and politically because Thunderfart never shows how or why this is even the case.

Instead he drones on and on while pointing his MRA fanboys toward her video so they can make even more ridiculous asshats out of themselves and of course, do what all butthurt manchildren do: RATE THE VIDEO DOWN WITH ALL THEIR SOCK ACCOUNTS!

First, he demeans her again, because he’s incapable of making a valid counterargument.

actually, you are not a ‘fellow scientist’, your publication record shows as much. You might reasonably claim to be a pseudoscientist… but you are certainly no scientist. So lets see how your non-scientific mind approaches this problem. It ASSUMES differences in gender representations has nothing to do with biology, when clearly it does. (CITATION PLEASE PHIL?)

Even when an idiot proof example of when biology plays a role is put in front of you (the olympics), you just prove you can be a better class of idiot. Normally I wouldnt say something like this… but seeing as you spent the first 10 or so minutes waxing on about how clever you are…..etc etc….only then to make a comically bad argument for ‘patriarchy’…. maybe you should leave science to the scientists.

Phil thinks if he calls her names enough times he wins the argument.

Kristi responds, like a woman after my own heart:

If your assertion is ‘ differences in gender representations – are – clearly to do with biology’ then please explain the biological causal mechanism that impacts on political representation by sex (and I mean sex, not gender) and present your evidence. I look forward to evaluating your theory, hypotheses, and data for myself. Obviously you’ll need inferential statistics to demonstrate causality so please include the relevant coefficients and their standard errors and your N.

OUCH! She DOES know the difference between sex and gender!

Trouble is, Phil doesn’t know and so he makes one last lame insult and sulks back off to Paul Elam and The Red Pill.

so I think we agree that you calling yourself a scientists with a phd is government is at best bullshit, and at worst at outright lie. FYI, it takes more than using words like ‘theory hypothesis and data’ to be a scientist. Your attempts to play scientist are callow at best.

Your are the one who has asserted a model in which biology plays NO part. That is you ENTIRELY ignore the sexual dimorphic nature of humans to assert that the differences observed are the ENTIRELY due to culture. In this much you are just categorically wrong. But ….. I look forward to evaluating your theory, hypotheses, and data on why humans are not sexually dimorphic for myself. Obviously you’ll need inferential statistics to demonstrate causality so please include the relevant coefficients and their standard errors and your N. All of which of course you must already have to have made the above video. -munckin.

She never claimed the human species wasn’t sexually dimorphic you buffoon. Her claim was that patriarchy (which she defined) exists and here’s the evidence for it. She made her claim and supported it. Cardassian neck, on the other hand, demeaned her credentials several times, made wild claims he never supported, and straw manned her to death. For someone like me, who is as educated and aware as she is, I also recognize his inability to make a coherent argument.

They don’t realize they’re dealing with a scientist who speaks that language, who can explain what an N is and what a standard deviation is. These manchildren don’t understand that they can’t just rattle off MRA rhetoric and have her go ‘yeah, I think that makes sense!, especially when their retort boils down to:

(said in a Jordan Owen voice) ‘Uhhh, uh, men have uhh, male brains and uhh, this makes them uhh, smarter and better than women.’

I’m excited because it looks to me this woman understands the difference between gender and sex and I’ve been waiting for someone like that to come along on Youtube for a long ass time. I might be able to really have a discussion with this woman, that is, until people to go her and scaremonger her by ad-homming ME, which they will do because apparently wanting women’s rights to spaces and privacy is literally like being Hitler.

All I can say is that I look forward to having a conversation with GASP! SWOON! an EDUCATED WOMAN! AN EDUCATED WOMAN! I can’t contain my excitement. I know this will be short lived. I shouldn’t get my hopes up! I should just continue to think positive.

Sweden’s Best ROKS

ROKS is the the largest radical feminist shelter organization in Sweden fighting for equality and succeeding. They have excellent representation in Parliament through Margareta Winberg. Here are 2 shows on ROKS. The program was probably made by a man who is upset that the feminist influence is changing Sweden for the better, for women’s rights. However, some women have a hard time changing perspective as well. You can see the effect of this in the women who posture and gain financial advantage from male MRA’s when they’re just your average run-of-the-mill misogynists. Male MRA’s hold up the handful of women in their ranks as an attempt to legitimize their woman hatred.

Some women in the show below claim men need help breaking their violence against women through specific programs to help him see what he’s doing is wrong. According to ROKS, and I’m assuming people here, men know they’re doing wrong. They’re making a choice to violate women. This is a key distinction between those who see male violence as a gendered issue of power and those who see male violence as something wrong with him, as if it’s a unique disease. It’s not unique. It’s men acting out their power and control that our gendered society expects. Women are truly the ones who need the help to leave men and to understand what he’s doing he’s doing by conscious choice.

ROKS sees male violence against women as a part of Patriarchy, as a power imbalance, and they make educational policies and social services for women based on this key point. They even incorporate monotheistic philosophy to explain male violence, comparing men to God, in the sense that men strive to be like God (hence why God is an invention of men), like an omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent being that is above nature, which is then considered woman. This is literal in monotheistic patriarchal religions and metaphorical. It’s brilliant and it plays out on how men order nature and how men see and treat women.

The tv programs below are biased, in my opinion, against ROKS. Like I said, probably made by a man who doesn’t understand any of this and who’s never had to consider his privilege. ROKS admits the struggle for women’s liberation will be hard and violent because men do not want to give up their power.

I want to move to Sweden and be among these women. They have a chant that I loved: ‘Macho macho bye bye!’ I love these women. They are amazons. They are the future. We talk about what a female focused egalitarian society would look like on this blog while it seems ROKS is making this happen.

This first episode, which is actually 2 in 1, starts with something I found confusing so I’ll explain. Two young women went to a women’s shelter and somehow there were threats by male satanists/pedophiles against them. The shelter organizers moved them around to keep them safe from these threats of organized pedophilia and satanist rituals meant to harm these women.

One of the women thinks that the shelter she went to was trying to brainwash her to think men are evil. I found it incredibly unbelievable that a women’s organization would move girls and women around over an empty threat. We know on this blog that men are capable of great violence so if I was running a shelter and threats were called in against the women I’d move them too to get them out of harms way. It’s just logical to believe male threats of violence because it’s right in front of us: prostitution, pornography, male violence against women.

The second episode, running concurrent to the first, is better and clearer. It really explains ROKS positions and how these women are trying to change society.

I really want to know more about ROKS. Men don’t like ROKS so to me that means they’re doing something innovative and good for women. Gunilla Eckberg has worked with ROKS too and she’s brilliant in her analysis of prostitution.

Can we do something like this in Canada or the US? I think it can be done but the major problem is the capitalism our societies worship. Sweden is a very socially aware country. I think Canadians would be better suited for the changeover. The US has to get to the point where they actually care about the social welfare of all its citizens and not the lucky few.

Canada has mediocre social services, especially since the Tories came in, they’ve been slicing all women’s services. However, our collectivist mindset is present whereas in the States it seems non-existent.

After reading Witchwind’s blog post, which is here, I’ve learned a lot about how this needs to be implemented. I think it must start with small villages. As V said, the wealthy women have to start putting that money to that kind of purpose. They must lend their hand to the majority of women who are still not at that level. Once there’s a momentum it will be hard to stop.

LOL MRA’s Think Feminism is Over Plus Their Graphic Violence

I’m listening (SEE VID BELOW) to a bunch of dumbass MRA’s while they splooge and splurge all over their webcams thinking feminism is over because a few thousand women made a Facebook page saying they don’t need it.

Jack Barnes,Dan Perrins and Al something-or-other from AVFM got together and started masturbating over their wish that feminism is now over. The title of the dudebro bawl session is ‘Feminists shoot themselves in the twat over (hashtag that will not be named). The title took me in because of its blatant hatred of women’s bodies. Who talks this way? Men do. They speak their violence. We radical feminists know how to hear it.

Shooting women in the vagina is graphically violent and this kind of imagery is acted out on women’s bodies daily. Just the other day I was reading about a woman in India that had various items put inside her vagina while men raped her. This is why the definition of rape is penetration. This is the male fantasy of penetrating with a weapon dick in order to harm a woman. There is no other interpretation. This happens in real life. It’s not fantasy and it’s not a twitter hashtag Libfems can start a twitter war over. Let’s spend time naming male violence and exposing it because who has the power in our society? Hint: it’s not a few thousand women on Facebook.

One more thing. I’m not even sure a woman started that ridiculous hashtag that shall not be named either. I do know that MRA’s are egging it on with sock accounts.

‘She had to be sucking someone’s dick to get that.’

An MRA said that in response to a story about a mother/daughter owning a business in the 18th century right here in this hangout. The context that MRA’s don’t want to admit is that feminism was needed in the 18th century when women were considered property. It turns out the husband that owned the business, and his wife and daughter, died, and they took it over. That’s the only way this woman was able to have a business.

Rulez for Paul’s 2nd Annual Neckbeard Ball, PLUS Paul Promises More Online Bullying of Women

The first Men’s rights conference has come and gone like a fart in the Universe. The media has done its job once again only to meet the drama queens bitching and moaning over at AVFM. If it wasn’t Bucky Turco they blamed for not knowing Dean’s two kids were autistic, they were bashing Jessica Roy for being too young, ‘pimply faced’ and for just getting out of a ‘gender studies course.’ Tara Palmatier called Monica Hess of the WashPo a ‘rat.’

Alienating the media with these tactics isn’t a good idea since Paul depends on it for his 100K/year schtick where he thinks he’s changing the world with his misogynist rants yet continues to stoically say he’s helping men and boys. Paul loves to rile the media up because it truly does get his pockets jingling. The more outrageous it gets the more money he can get. As long as there’s some feminist enemy somewhere in the world, Paul sleeps well.

In an attempt to control the media Elam announced in a video he’s going to fix this wascally problem of ‘pimply faced twerps who only report lies.’ Lies! I tell you! He likens the mainstream media to a Kindergarten class where he says he’s going to use ‘positive and negative reinforcement’ to get them to behave for the second conference he’s already planning.

‘We’re used to scumbags these days. We need to have a contest for the scummiest of the scum and obviously Turco would win that this time without any effort, but it seems like we may need to have the golden banana award for yellow journalism that we put out once a year to coverage [snip]’~Paul Elam

His solution? Here are the qualifications you must have in order to interview listen to droning rhetoric byanyone at AVFM or any of their members at the next Neckbeard Ball:

  • 50 years old or over
  • no pimples
  • straight white male
  • no personal bias
  • hates feminists and women who look/sound like feminists
  • ask relevant questions
  • bitter and resentful toward women
  • has never taken a gender studies course
  • wants to be on the right side of history
  • will pay full price for the ticket

Ok, I took some liberty here. The ones in bold are Paul’s actual demands for what kind of journalist he’ll let in to next years con to interview AVFM staff and members. It’s gonna be a pretty empty press con at the rate he’s going. The picture will be a lot clearer though: a AVFM panel wankers talking to the wall in the back and listening to the sweet echo. Now that’s how you do men’s rights cons.

Paul also announced a potential fist fight with Adam Serwer of MSNBC after making the claim that Serwer looked like he wanted to fight and obviously didn’t want to be there. To this little inventive threat narrative Paul replied:

‘Next conference he’ll get his fucking wish.’

Ya right Paul. I can see you trying to fight. It’ll probably look like some sort of kangaroo boxing with you falling on your balls. It’s always good to want macho violence at your conference that supposedly focuses on men and boys amirite?

Paul has a conspiracy theory about why the media just never reports the hearty goodness of the men’s rights movement:

‘…the mainstream media is just an advertising arm to sell products to women. Part of the… knowing that women control  most of the spending in consumer culture and appealing to their resentment of men, to the feelings of… to the garbage they’ve been fed in gender studies programs to what they’re doing on a feedback loop with themselves about men about their existence in the world, is that the way you sell stuff is by making men look like buffoons and making women look like deities.

And the press media has gone hand in hand with this and they’ve gone right straight to hell in a handbasket because they know that for one minute if they got up  and starting telling the truth, if they came in and covered the conference honestly, it would start costing them female consumers who don’t want to hear the truth. ‘


Finally, Paul and Dean say there will be more doxxing and abuse of women (aka what they call ‘activism’).

If I get a whiff of a group of people that is out there meeting secretly that wants to kill black people, or Jews, or gay people and i find out who you are, guess where your names will go? The front page of my website. Every time.

Somehow I don’t think Paul cares about Jews. If he did he’d be doc dropping Hamas members. No. We know who he means. This little linguistic trick of ‘sounding inclusive’ is just that, a trick to make himself sound like an equal opportunity doxxer.

The protection of privacy is something that I do believe in but there is a limit to it.

The limit is wherever Paul wants it to be. Just the other day the men’s rights subreddit was doxxing a young woman on twitter who responded to someone about a kickstarter to get rid of white men. Her tweet was obviously an answer to something preposterous but the MRA’s went ballistic, found out she was a law intern, and doxxed her on 4chan attempting to get her harmed.

Paul continues:

 ‘When you’re advocating illegal violent acts against a group of people and AVFM finds out about it, and guess what? If you happen to call yourself ‘men’s activist’ and you are advocating violence somewhere against women and we find out who you are, we’ll put your name on the front page and shame you with the rest of them.

This is something we’ll never retreat from or apologize for.’

Not one MRA has ever been doxxed and the minions sent to bully that I’ve ever seen, not even the ones who have advocated violence on the comment sections of AVFM articles and I know they’ve done it because the mod comes in to explain why he had to remove a comment. I never hear a single word about that MRA.

At least now we know he’s going to continue to bully women and that he’s still more interested in that then say, men’s and boys issues.

Dean offered this lame justification of doxxing as an aside

‘…that was still not for the purposes of harassing them that was for identifying people who were actually advocating for really horrific shit.’

Dean Esmay thinks radfemhub, a small online blog, contains ‘high profile public celebrities, who were advocating horrible things.’ I’ve yet to see one thing even remotely serious enough to warrant doxxing of anyone but I do think it’s rather strange that Paul Elam couldn’t tell the difference between an Elliot Rodger quote and an MRA quote by Stefan Molyneux. Something tells me that if AVFM members had come across Rodger, they’d never dox him. They’d recruit him like they did Molyneux.

It’s not about men and boys. It’s about AVFM endangering women online/offline. It’s the only activism they know. VIDEO BELOW


N.B. The SPLC labelled AVFM a hate site, not a hate group which Dean Esmay parrots loud and often all over the internet. What Esmay leaves out of course is that last bit about them being a hate site. If you remind him of what they really said he’ll launch into the next rant about the SPLC not being a good source since the FBI dropped them (which they actually didn’t).

First Date With an MRA/MGTOW

This video is pathetically sad. RazorBladeKandy made a video about what he hears when a woman talks to him on a date. This is not activism. This is pure paranoia and hatred of women. When I listened the first time I was stunned at how sick these guys truly are.


This movement is nothing but hate. MGTOW dudes think they’re enlightening other men while they only want another guy to sit in the sad, pathetic, and paranoid boat with them.

Here is a few comments I just noticed on the video:

‘Might include the line, “I fuck abusive men because I have something very important in common with them, we hate the same thing: me.”‘~ted best

Does that not sound like Elliot Rodger? I’m telling you, an MRA/MGTOW or whatever the hell else they call themselves is going to harm more women. I just know it. One of these days, we’re going to see it on the news and there will be no question this time as to whether he was an MRA.

From the video creator himself:

‘Well I think it has been widely established that if you ask a woman what she is looking for in a guy, she will give you a list of the exact things that clamp her legs shut and turn her frigid.’

Just a matter of time.

I’m Not a Misogynist You Yellow Journalist Cunt!

It always produces a laugh for me when the MRA’s do a publicity stunt, aka the big dudebro ball in St. Clair Shores, and then get all pissy about it when the media reports accurately on the things that were actually said there.

Now we all know AVFM is a misogynist hate site according to the SPLC and we all know Paul Elam writes woman hating screeds he passes off as satire while we all snicker at him and his cronies, but what astounds me is how they get on their fainting couches and attempt to smear the journalists that were at the conference because they don’t like when the journalist is honest.

For example, Elam’s article on Jessica Roy of Time, was a ranty rant about how she didn’t pay attention and published lies about the conference. Lies I tell you!

‘Roy is a biased bullshit peddler with an agenda who has lied to them. Her status as a liar and a bigot will be exposed as surely as it is in her twitter exchange with fellow haters.’~Paul Elam

Of course Paul tries to come out the big tough guy thanking Roy ‘for the donations that will hit AVFM for exactly the same reasons.’ We all know he’s just in this for cold hard cash.

MRA’s call any article they don’t like ‘yellow journalism.’ It’s so incredibly funny. They’re also really stomping mad at Bucky Turco of Animal NY for writing two perfectly apt pieces on the con. Elam bends the truth in his rant claiming Bucky ‘never attended’ and yet mentions that Bucky met Esmay’s ex-wife and children at the con claiming Bucky made an assumption about the kids which I’m hesitant to believe based on Elam’s propensity to twist.

Elam blames Bucky for not reporting on the kids, who happened to be two autistic boys

‘Actually, it would have made a good story for the setting, given the disproportionate incidence of autism in boys. Well, it would have had there been a real journalist on hand.’

Maybe if Elam spent the conference talking about these issues instead of blaming women and feminists this might’ve been reported. Or how about actually having resources there to help autistic kids? Duh Duh Duuuuh!

Elam isn’t interested in helping a single male except his own ego. He somehow thinks he’s  conquering the world with a new narrative that will eliminate feminism by relentlessly pecking at people from his perch. Keep tryin birdy boy. Keep pecking that mirror.

Blaming Bucky for your own stupidity isn’t going to fly Paul.

AVFM’s Dean Esmay apparently had a phone conversation with Bucky after the event that he recorded and uploaded to Youtube to try and paint Bucky as an evil journalist. Dean explains in this Youtube comment what led up to the phone conversation: CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE

dean's explanation of the bucky videocallLooks like Dean started the whole thing with his ex-wife joining in to harass Bucky on Twitter. Doesn’t surprise me at all. This is the kind of whiny shit they do when they want attention.

Esmay and Elam are fainting so hard they didn’t even link Bucky’s articles in their tantrum on AVFM. Here’s the first article and the second. I don’t see anything remotely controversial in either article especially considering the first article is mostly quotes from each speaker.

Esmay and Elam are now calling him ‘Buckycunt.’ Nothing like using misogynist language to try and make the point that you’re not a neckbearded misogynist!

Dean Esmay is still raging so he made a moany gloaty video with his ex-wife’s hubby, whom he calls a ‘real’ journalist.

In it he blames Turco for not knowing his kids were autistic.  He then tries explaining what an opinion is by making stupid snide remarks. It permanently put to rest the idea that feminism is to blame for misandrous feminists star chambers in the gynocratic KKK of the United States and Canada where white men are suddenly black slaves in the 50’s south.  Thanks dudes for that lesson on opinion.