Rulez for Paul’s 2nd Annual Neckbeard Ball, PLUS Paul Promises More Online Bullying of Women

The first Men’s rights conference has come and gone like a fart in the Universe. The media has done its job once again only to meet the drama queens bitching and moaning over at AVFM. If it wasn’t Bucky Turco they blamed for not knowing Dean’s two kids were autistic, they were bashing Jessica Roy for being too young, ‘pimply faced’ and for just getting out of a ‘gender studies course.’ Tara Palmatier called Monica Hess of the WashPo a ‘rat.’

Alienating the media with these tactics isn’t a good idea since Paul depends on it for his 100K/year schtick where he thinks he’s changing the world with his misogynist rants yet continues to stoically say he’s helping men and boys. Paul loves to rile the media up because it truly does get his pockets jingling. The more outrageous it gets the more money he can get. As long as there’s some feminist enemy somewhere in the world, Paul sleeps well.

In an attempt to control the media Elam announced in a video he’s going to fix this wascally problem of ‘pimply faced twerps who only report lies.’ Lies! I tell you! He likens the mainstream media to a Kindergarten class where he says he’s going to use ‘positive and negative reinforcement’ to get them to behave for the second conference he’s already planning.

‘We’re used to scumbags these days. We need to have a contest for the scummiest of the scum and obviously Turco would win that this time without any effort, but it seems like we may need to have the golden banana award for yellow journalism that we put out once a year to coverage [snip]’~Paul Elam

His solution? Here are the qualifications you must have in order to interview listen to droning rhetoric byanyone at AVFM or any of their members at the next Neckbeard Ball:

  • 50 years old or over
  • no pimples
  • straight white male
  • no personal bias
  • hates feminists and women who look/sound like feminists
  • ask relevant questions
  • bitter and resentful toward women
  • has never taken a gender studies course
  • wants to be on the right side of history
  • will pay full price for the ticket

Ok, I took some liberty here. The ones in bold are Paul’s actual demands for what kind of journalist he’ll let in to next years con to interview AVFM staff and members. It’s gonna be a pretty empty press con at the rate he’s going. The picture will be a lot clearer though: a AVFM panel wankers talking to the wall in the back and listening to the sweet echo. Now that’s how you do men’s rights cons.

Paul also announced a potential fist fight with Adam Serwer of MSNBC after making the claim that Serwer looked like he wanted to fight and obviously didn’t want to be there. To this little inventive threat narrative Paul replied:

‘Next conference he’ll get his fucking wish.’

Ya right Paul. I can see you trying to fight. It’ll probably look like some sort of kangaroo boxing with you falling on your balls. It’s always good to want macho violence at your conference that supposedly focuses on men and boys amirite?

Paul has a conspiracy theory about why the media just never reports the hearty goodness of the men’s rights movement:

‘…the mainstream media is just an advertising arm to sell products to women. Part of the… knowing that women control  most of the spending in consumer culture and appealing to their resentment of men, to the feelings of… to the garbage they’ve been fed in gender studies programs to what they’re doing on a feedback loop with themselves about men about their existence in the world, is that the way you sell stuff is by making men look like buffoons and making women look like deities.

And the press media has gone hand in hand with this and they’ve gone right straight to hell in a handbasket because they know that for one minute if they got up  and starting telling the truth, if they came in and covered the conference honestly, it would start costing them female consumers who don’t want to hear the truth. ‘


Finally, Paul and Dean say there will be more doxxing and abuse of women (aka what they call ‘activism’).

If I get a whiff of a group of people that is out there meeting secretly that wants to kill black people, or Jews, or gay people and i find out who you are, guess where your names will go? The front page of my website. Every time.

Somehow I don’t think Paul cares about Jews. If he did he’d be doc dropping Hamas members. No. We know who he means. This little linguistic trick of ‘sounding inclusive’ is just that, a trick to make himself sound like an equal opportunity doxxer.

The protection of privacy is something that I do believe in but there is a limit to it.

The limit is wherever Paul wants it to be. Just the other day the men’s rights subreddit was doxxing a young woman on twitter who responded to someone about a kickstarter to get rid of white men. Her tweet was obviously an answer to something preposterous but the MRA’s went ballistic, found out she was a law intern, and doxxed her on 4chan attempting to get her harmed.

Paul continues:

 ‘When you’re advocating illegal violent acts against a group of people and AVFM finds out about it, and guess what? If you happen to call yourself ‘men’s activist’ and you are advocating violence somewhere against women and we find out who you are, we’ll put your name on the front page and shame you with the rest of them.

This is something we’ll never retreat from or apologize for.’

Not one MRA has ever been doxxed and the minions sent to bully that I’ve ever seen, not even the ones who have advocated violence on the comment sections of AVFM articles and I know they’ve done it because the mod comes in to explain why he had to remove a comment. I never hear a single word about that MRA.

At least now we know he’s going to continue to bully women and that he’s still more interested in that then say, men’s and boys issues.

Dean offered this lame justification of doxxing as an aside

‘…that was still not for the purposes of harassing them that was for identifying people who were actually advocating for really horrific shit.’

Dean Esmay thinks radfemhub, a small online blog, contains ‘high profile public celebrities, who were advocating horrible things.’ I’ve yet to see one thing even remotely serious enough to warrant doxxing of anyone but I do think it’s rather strange that Paul Elam couldn’t tell the difference between an Elliot Rodger quote and an MRA quote by Stefan Molyneux. Something tells me that if AVFM members had come across Rodger, they’d never dox him. They’d recruit him like they did Molyneux.

It’s not about men and boys. It’s about AVFM endangering women online/offline. It’s the only activism they know. VIDEO BELOW


N.B. The SPLC labelled AVFM a hate site, not a hate group which Dean Esmay parrots loud and often all over the internet. What Esmay leaves out of course is that last bit about them being a hate site. If you remind him of what they really said he’ll launch into the next rant about the SPLC not being a good source since the FBI dropped them (which they actually didn’t).

I’m Not a Misogynist You Yellow Journalist Cunt!

It always produces a laugh for me when the MRA’s do a publicity stunt, aka the big dudebro ball in St. Clair Shores, and then get all pissy about it when the media reports accurately on the things that were actually said there.

Now we all know AVFM is a misogynist hate site according to the SPLC and we all know Paul Elam writes woman hating screeds he passes off as satire while we all snicker at him and his cronies, but what astounds me is how they get on their fainting couches and attempt to smear the journalists that were at the conference because they don’t like when the journalist is honest.

For example, Elam’s article on Jessica Roy of Time, was a ranty rant about how she didn’t pay attention and published lies about the conference. Lies I tell you!

‘Roy is a biased bullshit peddler with an agenda who has lied to them. Her status as a liar and a bigot will be exposed as surely as it is in her twitter exchange with fellow haters.’~Paul Elam

Of course Paul tries to come out the big tough guy thanking Roy ‘for the donations that will hit AVFM for exactly the same reasons.’ We all know he’s just in this for cold hard cash.

MRA’s call any article they don’t like ‘yellow journalism.’ It’s so incredibly funny. They’re also really stomping mad at Bucky Turco of Animal NY for writing two perfectly apt pieces on the con. Elam bends the truth in his rant claiming Bucky ‘never attended’ and yet mentions that Bucky met Esmay’s ex-wife and children at the con claiming Bucky made an assumption about the kids which I’m hesitant to believe based on Elam’s propensity to twist.

Elam blames Bucky for not reporting on the kids, who happened to be two autistic boys

‘Actually, it would have made a good story for the setting, given the disproportionate incidence of autism in boys. Well, it would have had there been a real journalist on hand.’

Maybe if Elam spent the conference talking about these issues instead of blaming women and feminists this might’ve been reported. Or how about actually having resources there to help autistic kids? Duh Duh Duuuuh!

Elam isn’t interested in helping a single male except his own ego. He somehow thinks he’s  conquering the world with a new narrative that will eliminate feminism by relentlessly pecking at people from his perch. Keep tryin birdy boy. Keep pecking that mirror.

Blaming Bucky for your own stupidity isn’t going to fly Paul.

AVFM’s Dean Esmay apparently had a phone conversation with Bucky after the event that he recorded and uploaded to Youtube to try and paint Bucky as an evil journalist. Dean explains in this Youtube comment what led up to the phone conversation: CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE

dean's explanation of the bucky videocallLooks like Dean started the whole thing with his ex-wife joining in to harass Bucky on Twitter. Doesn’t surprise me at all. This is the kind of whiny shit they do when they want attention.

Esmay and Elam are fainting so hard they didn’t even link Bucky’s articles in their tantrum on AVFM. Here’s the first article and the second. I don’t see anything remotely controversial in either article especially considering the first article is mostly quotes from each speaker.

Esmay and Elam are now calling him ‘Buckycunt.’ Nothing like using misogynist language to try and make the point that you’re not a neckbearded misogynist!

Dean Esmay is still raging so he made a moany gloaty video with his ex-wife’s hubby, whom he calls a ‘real’ journalist.

In it he blames Turco for not knowing his kids were autistic.  He then tries explaining what an opinion is by making stupid snide remarks. It permanently put to rest the idea that feminism is to blame for misandrous feminists star chambers in the gynocratic KKK of the United States and Canada where white men are suddenly black slaves in the 50’s south.  Thanks dudes for that lesson on opinion.

Paul Elam the Benevolent Dictator Whom Nobody Should Do Business With and No Journalist Should Give Him the Time of Day

Some MRA’s that follow Elam are calling him just that. This is on the heels of a post he did titled ‘C’mon Paul, What Do You Do With the Money?’ Months ago Elam told everyone what he did with the money. He pockets it. This time around he added some of his ‘tough guy’ stance to show his buddies what a big tough man he is and how he deserves the money because he’s the victim in all this.

This time though, he’s got to answer some questions about the $33K that was raised to cover security costs for the conference that was supposed to take place at the Doubletree Hilton in Detroit. After Paul wrote an article calling the hotel a ‘bunch of scheming liars’, he posted 3 letters that raise more questions, and specifically, about how honest he was when raising that security money.

He told his cult followers in early June that he needed the money, at first $25K, for security because feminists were making bomb and death threats to the hotel. Turns out, he knew that there were no threats and his lawyers wrote the Doubletree on June 5th complaining that not one police report was made nor was there any examples of the threats they could give AVFM. The local media in Detroit tried substantiating the threats but could not.

So Paul knowingly perpetuated a lie to raise ‘security money’ and ran with that story even after his lawyers, under his direction, claimed there were no threats. On June 2, certainly while Paul knew there were no threats, he was on Youtube still claiming there were threats and at the end of the video said he was already talking to his lawyers, presumably on the lack of threats. This proves he knew there were no threats while he was still collecting money. He cleverly named his fundraiser a ‘campaign for free speech,’ which had nothing to do with threats.

On the fundraising page there’s a thank you letter from Paul telling people where the money will be going toward after the Hilton fell through

That does not, however, mean we will be providing less security for the event. We are again negotiating a strong and highly visible police presence as well as providing our own private security team.

All insurance we have purchased will be transferred or rewritten  to cover the new facility. Legal fees have already doubled our original expectations and we are expecting yet another bill.

To put it shortly, we are going to use your donations for precisely the same reasons as indicated in the original appeal, but at a different location.

In Paul’s current quarterly fundraiser he admits is ‘stretching the generosity of its donors’ and once again claims that the $33K went to security but writes his fundraiser is for operating costs to keep AVFM going. So we have three different stories now. 1) $33K has gone to 4 people to do security at a VFW hall, which is so unbelievably untrue, 2) it’s gone to his lawyers in order to recoup over 100K from the Hilton, 3) it’s going to AVFM ie. his pocket. With all the questions around where this money went he’s had to extend the current fundraiser by a week because the money isn’t coming in like he thought it would but his new little tough guy/victim post railing at David Futrelle and feminists pretending to be MRA’s seems to be working to get that money flowing. CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE

Really? 33K to cover security from 4 people at a VFW hall?

Really? 33K to cover security from 4 people at a VFW hall?

That does not, however, mean we will be providing less security for the event. We are again negotiating a strong and highly visible police presence as well as providing our own private security team.

All insurance we have purchased will be transferred or rewritten  to cover the new facility. Legal fees have already doubled our original expectations and we are expecting yet another bill.

To put it shortly, we are going to use your donations for precisely the same reasons as indicated in the original appeal, but at a different location.

– See more at:

That does not, however, mean we will be providing less security for the event. We are again negotiating a strong and highly visible police presence as well as providing our own private security team.

All insurance we have purchased will be transferred or rewritten  to cover the new facility. Legal fees have already doubled our original expectations and we are expecting yet another bill.

To put it shortly, we are going to use your donations for precisely the same reasons as indicated in the original appeal, but at a different location.

– See more at:

That does not, however, mean we will be providing less security for the event. We are again negotiating a strong and highly visible police presence as well as providing our own private security team.

All insurance we have purchased will be transferred or rewritten  to cover the new facility. Legal fees have already doubled our original expectations and we are expecting yet another bill.

To put it shortly, we are going to use your donations for precisely the same reasons as indicated in the original appeal, but at a different location.

– See more at:

His lawyers said the secondary issue was the Hilton seating capacity. We know now there were only about 100 people max at the conference so the Doubletree would’ve been fine to host the event since it can hold that many people. The tickets were $300 and the legal claim for ticket loss is roughly $30K, which makes sense. Only 100 tickets or less were sold. So Paul knew the Doubletree could accommodate the conference but instead made up some story. The legal letter states that Doubletree could accommodate up to 200 people. Excuse me while I do some simple math but if you only have 100 people then a 200 seat hall is enough.

We’re not getting the full story here. We’re getting selected pieces of it. It seems to me that Paul wants to recoup the entire cost of the conference and is going to blame it on the Doubletree instead of himself. He may have lost money on the conference and is using this as a creative way to recoup those finances. Why hold another fundraiser literally a week after raising 33K that Paul admits wasn’t completely spent since they had the con at a VFW hall with minimal security monies needed?

I’m going to take an educated guess here as to where that money went. I think he paid minimal money for security at the VFW, under 3K. A couple thousand  has gone to his lawyers so he could try and recoup over $100K which he claims the conference cost (which I don’t believe either).  Either way, there’s some serious dishonesty here and many stories as to where the money is going.

In his first article mentioning the ‘feminist bomb and death threat’ lie he published the letter from Doubletree online to ‘prove’ it. He wasn’t supposed to publish it and that got him into trouble. That may have been the tipping point where Hilton had enough of his scheming. What’s ironic is that Paul redacted the female Doubletree manager’s name only to dox her a month later.

‘To ensure that there is no backlash against any individual at Hilton, I have had the individual’s name who signed the letter redacted.’

Paul then published the Doubletree letter with her name in full view, doxxing her and setting her up for the only activity AVFM ever engages in: harassment of women. This is why nobody should ever do business with you. Nobody should trust you one bit. 

Paul’s tough guy/victim routine wasn’t over yet. In the article released today Paul posts an email exchange he had with the media. When an MSNBC journalist Adam Serwer asked detailed questions about AVFM’s funds Paul wrote him an email calling him a ‘whore.’ Paul also played the poor victim:

I have to bear the brunt of this stuff, so I am going to be the one who makes the calls on what personal information, including income from this website, is divulged to the public.’

Here’s the ‘brunt’ of what Paul has to deal with:

I am a target for feminists posing as concerned MHRAs, yellow hacks like David Futrelle, and a target for many in the media who would love nothing better than to publish my personal financial information after putting their disgusting spin on it.

Wow. Poor baby. That’s some serious pressure there. David keeps you up at night eh Paul? If the only thing I had to worry about was MRA’s posing as feminists I’d think that was nothing. You forget Paul that you’re not the victim here buddy. The victims are the women you target, doc drop, incessantly harass and intimidate from your online pedestal. Those are the real victims. Not you. Let’s face it Paul, it’s the only thing you’ve ever done. You haven’t done a single thing for men and boys, only attacked women.

True to form, the AVFM cult followers praised Paul’s tough guy/victim act and brought up feminist Anita Sarkeesian to soothe their little minds that it’s ok for Paul to take hundreds of thousands of dollars and not account for it because Anita raised $160K. What they fail to mention is Anita is actually doing good work with that money, doing what she SAID she was going to do with it, and only asked for it one time while Paul wants it every quarter. The cult members of AVFM overlook Paul’s willingness to be dishonest.

As soon as the rageboners and paranoia for feminists came out in the comment section it exploded in massive cheering, more paranoia, and more donations to add to the $20K Paul is currently asking for. These remarks were made

‘A benevolent dictator model can, and has worked well for many organizations in the past, as long as the benevolent dictator is still the position to dictate, and he remains good, principled and benevolent.’

‘I reckon Paul should structure AVFM as if it was a company as far as hierarchy, but maintain total and complete control, as a dictator. His word on anything is final…….period.’

Elam claimed at the conference he was ‘building bridges’ between men and women.  This isn’t a bridge. It’s a one-man echo chamber that is untrustworthy, vicious, misogynist, and crude. Nobody should ever enter into any contract with Elam nor send him a penny. If you ever disagree with him rest assured you will be called out and harassed endlessly which is what he’s planning on doing to three mainstream journalists this week and what he’s doing to the female manager of the Doubletree.

If these AVFMers really believe that writing an MSNBC journalist and calling him a whore is going to change anything for the better, if you think attacking women and feminists online and offline, is going to make headway for your cause, or lying to get funds, I’ve got bad news for you.




Paul Elam Calls Hilton Doubletree ‘A Bunch of Scheming Liars’ and Goes After Female Staff Member

Paul Elam is having a raging meltdown on AVFM at the Detroit Hilton where his greatest human rights group ever was supposed to have their first con. I suspect this is a ploy for sympathy and for money because his summer fundraiser is rather slow. He’s only raised $12K out of the $20K he’s asking for. He published a legal letter, supposedly from his lawyer, asking Hilton for over $100,000 dollars because the Hilton ‘breached the contract’ so it appears he’s trying to get more money out of this.

He called the Hilton and its’ employees ‘a bunch of scheming liars.’

So we all know there was no ‘feminist’ death/bomb threats although the Hilton did say there were but didn’t specify feminists.They weren’t reported to the police.Adding ‘feminist’ was a linguistic lie by Paul to get his $25K security insurance money. (He actually has a little over $33K at last count). That money, he claimed, went to security at the VFW Hall. I highly doubt it cost $33K for security at a VFW hall.

Paul is now claiming that there were NEVER any threats and that the Hilton manufactured them  in order to persecute him and shake down AVFM. Paul is always the victim. He’s ranting through every unlikely scenario for why Hilton didn’t want them there, except the obvious one: AVFM is a MISOGYNIST HATE GROUP.

Paul rants:

‘The other possible scenario is that what Doubletree Downtown Hilton got was a couple of irate phone calls from privileged little college girls who don’t want men and women to talk without their permission’

Uh, nope. Try again Paul?

‘a sympathetic general manager in the middle of labor problems with the hotel’s union, decided to use those decidedly nonthreatening contacts to breach their contract with us and keep protesters away from their hotel.’

Elam, you’re such a fucking idiot. This is so bloody obvious to everyone else but him. We all know MRA’s lack self-awareness and this is a glaring case of it.

Let’s look at the most likely reason why Hilton didn’t want them there. The conference was just after the Elliot Rodger misogynist killing spree. I think the hotel KNEW that, looked into what Elam’s defenders call his “bombastic”, “self-aggrandizing”, “knee-jerk aggression” and steely resolve, and realized they wanted nothing to do with them. Look at how Elam is reacting. How can anyone want to do business with him? As long as his cult followers send him money he’s happy but he cannot deal with any kind of interaction, especially when there’s a woman involved.

Hilton employee, Shannon Dunavent,  is the latest target of AVFM. They are latching onto her to blame, harass and intimidate. It’s already begun where it always begins, in the AVFM comment section.

Shannon contacted Elam about the need for the extra security insurance in this letter dated May 29th that Paul published today, which leaked her dox. He also published a follow-up letter from her dated June 2nd telling him he violated the rules by posting that official letter online. I remember when he posted it and then took it down but it was too late. He couldn’t even follow that simple rule. The reason he published it was so he could run with the lie that feminists were behind the ‘threats.’ All he wanted was the money and he’d lie to get it.

What’s Paul’s justification for doxxing these personal business letters?

‘You fucked that up when you sabotaged our agreement and breached our contract in decidedly bad faith. The letter is being reposted, without being redacted of names, and it is not going to be taken down. You are welcome to attempt legal measures to force our hand at that. We will be happy to sort that out with you in court, and look forward to the routine discovery that will reveal evidence that your invoking the security clause of our contract was not a fraudulent ruse.’

My mother always taught me that honey gets more flies but Paul, well, Paul is an angry misogynist dude and when there’s a woman he can go after, he will.

One AVFMer , Andybob (who’s really kissing Paul’s derriere) says:

Shannon Dunavent may have even enjoyed her role in undermining the patriarchy and taking it to the cleaners. I’ve never encountered a feminist who doesn’t fantasize about playing a role in accomplishing this goal. Thanks to Paul Elam’s steely resolve, it is very likely that we are going to find out if Shannon Dunavent is one of them.

I suspect that Ms Dunavent had better start packing for her sideways promotion to a Doubletree branch located in some far-flung hell-hole. Bon Voyage, Ms Dunavent, it was an experience doing business with you.

and more threats:

‘Doubletree Downtown Hilton – we are coming for you. We will be advertizing this whole sordid episode for the benefit of all those people who might consider staying at your hotel.’

Lolsuit Larry aka ‘Napoleon’ was right there in the comment section talking about suing

‘I hope this matter makes it before the courts so during discovery and cross examinations the truth will emerge.’

And somewhere out of left field, one MRA suggested that this was Paris Hilton’s fault because she’s superficial, condescending, vain, more style than substance, and an air of superiority. This dude thinks she’s actively running Hilton.

Dean Esmay was in rare form in the comment section complaining about Adam Serwer’s reporting of the con. He called several journalists who attended the con ‘whores’ and ‘fame whores’ CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE

Why AVFM should never have cons

Why AVFM should never have cons


UPDATE: Elam has taken down this article but I have a copy of it here. I also downloaded each letter he posted and will be uploading those to Google docs or some other program so you can read them.

UPDATE: It looks like Paul put the article back up with all the original links.

I highly suggest that my readers inform Shannon she is under attack by Paul Elam and his misogynist minions and point out the fact he published their letterhead and her dox. I will update soon with those links to those pdf files.

FOLDER containing 3 letters Paul publicly published


Paul, you’re an idiot.



Drooling for Karen ‘Stringbeanhead’ Straughn

The MRA’s over at AVFM put up Karen Straugn’s aka Girlwriteswhat’s 30 minute conference segment. I watched her live and all I got out of it was a bunch of falsehoods about women’s societal positions and roles in the late 19th/early 20th century. She babbled about the Tender Years Doctrine which has nothing to do with today. She announced herself as an ‘anti-feminist’ and spent ZERO time talking about helping men and boys. It’s feminism that’s the problem, and not 3rd or 2nd wave feminism but even the Suffragettes were horrid feminists according to her. Here’s her talk.

The comment sections on Youtube as well as on AVFM are priceless because the drool and sexualization factor is stunningly high for this woman. I think she loves it too and won’t tolerate any other woman being near the top spot. Remember when Woollybumblebee challenged her for the position of Queen Bee of the FeMRA’s? Anywho on with the drooling:

The Ivy League should be in a bidding war over who gets to offer Karen Straughan an endowed chair.~Plainoldtruth

Somehow I don’t think Ivy League schools are into hiring those ignorant of history and its’ context but whatevs dudes.

St. Clair Shores = Seneca Falls without the malice.~Sputnik

Comparing a bunch of white dudes screeching misogyny at a VFW hall isn’t the same thing as Seneca Falls. This is pathetic.

I hold the exact same mindset that she does – feminism was never a good thing and always a selfish agenda for women. Always. We’ve been fed and have believed total bullshit for 200 fucking years. How gullible we human beings truly are.~jbantifem

Straw for straw.

The MRM in the long run will be like the black civil rights movement, not like feminism.~shortcircuit

Well if the name fits. Shortcircuit it is then.

Do women really expect never to be physically assaulted in their lives.~John Rew

I don’t know what to say to that one. He then goes on to say he’s a pacifist. Yeah, right.

I believe that all of this history which Karen uncovers and documents would make a fine documentary which should be aired on Television.~Andrejovitch Dietrich

Sorry dude but nobody would have her. She’s not a historian.

As the media covers this more, Karen should watch her back in future trips to the (FORMER) U.S.A, as I can see her name being put on a “list”.~Joseph Rivett

She’s already on a list and that list is called ‘ridiculous.’

How dare we be suspicious of this GODDESS who unwillingly decided to waste her most precious time on us, ungrateful fucks.~Hinforta
The worship is almost complete!

If men did not have this incessant need for female approbation no man would be listening, watching, and/or funding gww (a.k.a. Karen Straughan) and the like….but they are.  That is the problem.~Menarepeeple

Ooooo! Burn!

I watch Karen’s videos because I agree with what she says and she backs it up with evidence and sound argument.It’s nothing to do with her sex, although that’s an asset because it destroys the childish argument of the fembots that all MRAs are men who can’t get laid.~Paul Jackson

So is Karen making sure the MRA’s are getting laid?
You have to keep in mind that, evolutionary speaking, women have not had the need for the same amount of logical thinking as a man is required to have.~GamesLegitament
I did away with logical thinking as soon as I came across Karen and the rest of you MRA’s. There’s none to be had.
Karen Straughan – the Queen of Mens Rights and Anti-feminism.~Hideous Ramon
Well, she is a Queen, that’s true. What she’s a Queen of is questionable.
Her words came with so much passion. And intensity. Gave me chills. Like the first video of her’s I came across.~JRMCNEA
They give me chills too, just not in the same way.
The YouTube comment section, if you have time to read it, is pretty hilarious. There’s a lot of infighting amongst the red pillers about Karen being a feeemale and possesses total control over teh menz. They’re all accusing each other of being mangina’s and white knights.

However, it wouldn’t be complete without some MRA wanting to have sexual intercourse with Karen. CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE



MRA’s Back to Their Stations To Continue to Harass Women

First, I’m glad this is over, partly. One of my commenters talked about the MRA conference being the safest 2 days of the year for women because the men from AVFM would be distracted and not doxxing and harassing individual women they find on the internet. True to form, near the end of the conference Judgybitch, a FeMRA from AVFM, assured us that doxxing and harassment of women online and into offline would continue.

This is the male supremacist movement we’re dealing with sisters.

I want to leave off, for now, until I can collect my thoughts after listening to MRA’s for two days, with a direct quote from Warren Farrell. Farrell is the guru of the Men’s Rights Movement and while soft spoken and gentle, is a misogynist like all the rest of them at AVFM. He’s also an opportunist like Elam and a charlatan like Elam. This quote was made at the conference during his presentation:

‘We know how difficult it is to talk about date rape. Almost impossible issue to discuss. If you discuss this with an adult woman, if she heard a man talking about fearing rejection and fearing taking the sexual initiative, her mind switches to all the guys who went too far, too fast with her. her mind switches to the guys who bought her drinks largely to get her in bed. So, instead of feeling appreciation for the pain, for the work they did to buy the drinks, she remembers the manipulation, [rather] than the appreciation. But she can’t easily hear the guys plight because it triggers her own trauma. It triggers her legitimate trauma.’


Don’t know why date rape has anything to do with his main point about ‘the Boy Crisis’ but that’s typical of his rambling.This was somehow related to women not being able to hear men’s pain but willing to hear boy’s pain because of a mothers instinct.

It threw me for a total loop when I heard it. It’s as if it’s women’s fault for not being able to ‘there there’ the pain of the ‘Nice Guys’ who buy us drinks and really don’t want to have to rape us.

He brings up the same theme that MRA’s go on an on about. ‘Women don’t like the ‘Nice guys’ and only want jerky Alpha men. In fact, Farrell says that just prior to his mention of date rape. ‘Women want alpha males,’ he says. Also, why the hell would you sit down with a person you’re buying drinks for and talk about date rape? He equates date rape with a guy talking about his fear of rejection. How do those two things go together?

I know how they go together: they go together in the mind of the entitled ‘Nice guy’ who thinks because he’s buying you drinks and sweating bullets, because he doesn’t know how to talk to women, women should just submit. Elliot Rodger anyone?

Women have heard this lament before. How many women get creeped out by the ‘Nice guy’ and do everything in our power not to set him off because we know he’s unstable and entitled? This is because, I suppose, in Farrell’s mind, the ‘Nice Guy’ just wants a bit of sexual attention and damn it, why aren’t women giving it to him? Oh right, because the jerky men are rapists who date raped her and now she’s damaged and won’t accept the advances of the ‘Nice guy.’

It’s this kind of misogynist bullshit that gives Farrell his creepy reputation. Nobody is taking him out of context or misinterpreting him, as he claims. That’s his quote up there.

I’ll be writing more on the con soon. Here is the full second day of the con which was live streamed.


AVFM Men’s Rights Con 2014: Second Day With Ongoing Updates


To get the basics of how to follow the conference on twitter and such see yesterday’s post. It also includes the first day highlights including a Detroit Metro reporter who was approached by an MRA and touched inappropriately.

Warren Farrell: Date Fraud/Incest Expert

Warren Farrell is speaking today. He’s the MRA guru who wrote ‘The Myth of Male Power.’ The book is poorly written propaganda that blames all the worlds problems on women’s sexuality. He’s a soft spoken person so you’d never really expect him to be so crude and disgusting. He also thinks there’s such a thing as women exercising ‘date fraud’ where they don’t give sex to the man who takes them out to dinner or pays for something. Women owe men sex. This is no different than Elliot Rodger’s outlook on women. Farrell is an opportunist, like Elam, who’s latched onto the Manosphere to make money as a full time misogynist.

He was never the big dude in Feminist circles like he claims to have been. NOW kicked his ass to the curb with good reason. We Hunted the Mammoth has the best articles exposing Farrell. Also, take a look at the video below to hear the main conference speakers in their own words and the misogynist filth that flows from them.

Karen Straughn: The Hypersexualized, Libertarian Queen Bee of the FeMRA’s ‘You Know?’

Well, in a hour the next day of the MRA conference will continue. Karen Straughn is speaking today and I’m sure lots of neckbeards will be frothing in the audience as well listen to her say ‘You know’ a million times while citing completely irrelevant studies with tons of methodological problems, such as when she said that infant boys like ‘male toys’ more than girls and thought that was clever.

Articles on Karen:

VIDEO: MRA Leaders and Con Speakers In Their Own Words

I will do a separate post on the AVFM press conference later. Let’s just say, it highlighted what the conference was really about.

Updates (beginning appx 9am EST)

Warren Farrell ‘Adult Women and Date Rape’

Right out the gate Farrell insists that we live in a biological determinist world where women want alpha men.

He also went into date rape and how you can’t talk about it with adult women because they don’t think about the poor men buying them drinks.

He went on about the paygap, saying it doesn’t exist when we know it does because the workplace is male structured. How can women be equal in a male environment?

Karen Straughn: I’m an anti-feminist and I don’t give a shit’

Karen spent her talk on denigrating first wave feminists and suffrage. She uses anecdotes and extrapolates this outside the context of the culture in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. People need to do serious fact checking on her ‘work’ because it’s usually devoid of context and historical facts.

Carnell Smith on Paternity Fraud

Get a pat test. Simple. There’s nothing to see here except to bash women who he calls ‘cupcake.’ The Youtube livestream comments are paranoia about spermjacking and men blaming women for not wearing a condom saying ‘it’s the woman’s decision!’ Really? It’s women who make you not wear a condom with spermicide? Put a cover on it dudes. Problem solved.

One last thing. MRA’s are against women getting free birth control from their company healthcare  insurance or any other means of healthcare so why should we pay for their paternity tests? Equitable?

Stefan Molyneux: ‘Women Will End This Fucking Human Race’

He actually said that. Listen.

He was supposed to talk about Circumcision and yet spent a couple sentences on it and went right into a tirade.

He is right up there as the scariest, creepiest MRA I’ve listened to and I’ve listened to a lot. His hatred for women runs deep. I can’t imagine what he’s going to say. He’s up next.

I fell asleep during Molyneux but am watching him now. To blame women is so ridiculous b/c he admits he’s a strict social constructivist and that if children are completely molded by society then what about fathers, media, and playmates? Plus, I know not one feminist who think women can’t be violent but when women say men can stop DV it means that men should get involved in the solution of male violence against women.

His assertion that we could have a great world in 5 years if ONLY women were nice mothers is total nonsense. What is a ‘nice mother?’ Since he’s so intent on definitions he should take some time defining the ‘nice mother.’ His images of women is something out of the Stepford Wives.

Simplistic and foolish are the only two words I can muster for him.

Closing Panel

This included naming James Huff as the MRA infiltrator of feminist forums. He’s notably called ‘Agent Orange’ and he infiltrated radfem hub and took a bunch of screencaps back to AVFM so that the MRA’s could find and publish the personal information of these women. Judgybitch said there will be more doxxing and has no problem with the practice. Applause ensued.

Judgybitch put her rather large foot in her even larger mouth when she told Canadians that Americans pay for them to have socialized health systems through the massive funding of the US military (so Canada doesn’t have to fight wars). That went over like a lead ball. In a fucking VFW hall of all places!

The rest was Elam berating the media for finding his woman hatred and some dudes recommending to sue feminist bastions at Universities and get this: Take down the Violence Against Women Act.

No mention of how to solve a single problem facing men and boys, unless you count Warren Farrell saying they need a White House Council on men and boys but some nasty feminazi won’t let him.

A Voice for Men’s Conference All 30 of Them Together at Last (Updated All Weekend)

Empty seats at Men's Rights Conference Press Con. #icmi14  on Twitpic

Empty seats at AVFM’s Press Con.

The conference is about to start. There is apparently a live feed to the conference and of course Paul is asking for more money. Here’s the radio feed. The video feed will be on Youtube but there is no link working as yet. Press conference video link isn’t working as yet.

To follow the con on twitter or to add your opinion #icmi14

Here’s a run down, once again of what the speakers and the leader of the conference have to say about women in their own words:

Here’s Paul Elam’s piece where he says ‘women are begging to be raped.’


This page will be updated as time goes on so check back throughout the weekend.


Journalist from Detroit Metro gets propositioned by creepy MRA at Con and there’s only 30 people there. Maybe more will come? So far no protesting, which is excellent. Paul Elam got touched by same man on the back of his hair and says ‘ I WASN’T MOLESTED!’ He called the Detroit Metro as ‘yellow journalism’ and the creepy touchy guy just wanted ‘attention.’  Just goes to show ‘keep your hands to yourself’ doesn’t apply to men. Men are entitled to touch others inappropriately.

Lovely AVFM PR director screaming on Twitter using feminist lingo but completely ignorant as to what it means:


‘A new day in history in the ways we discuss men’s and women’s issues.’ Elam Conference opening

Anne Cools Highlights or Lowlights (Your mileage may vary)

‘I’m here to promote common sense.’

When she told the audience she left feminism she got the first applause of con.

”The safest place for a woman is in a home with kids and a husband.’ (Gets second applause of the con.)

‘It’s a foolish woman who pushes the murderous impulses of her mate.’ 

SUMMARY: Cools rambled a lot and you can tell she’s a Tory. She spoke mostly about men protecting women and the traditional family being undermined by ‘radical gender feminists.’ She victim blamed women killed in intimate partner violence and what’s funny is she slipped in her speech.  She said ‘It’s a foolish woman, uh, foolish mate…’

Erin Pizzey or ‘Feminists Killed My Dog’ Lady

I’m going to paraphrase her because she spoke very fast. She blames radical marxist feminists for creating an Evil Empire. Male violence against women is just a way to make money and those nasty feminists would go into women’s shelters and prey on the women there.

Tara Palmatier

Intent on painting women as narcissists, princesses, predators and has problems with domestic violence campaigns, Tara calls education on consent ‘rape culture hysteria.’  She claims Women’s studies are teaching female narcissism which she calls this the ‘Golden Uterus Syndrome’ where women take assets they don’t deserve, force men into fatherhood, assault and/or murder male partner.

She flat out calls feminism a ‘female supremacy’ movement that is dangerous for men.  Her short talk was punctuated by a distinct disdain for women and girls especially when she called the ‘Ban Bossy’ campaign a front made to empower female bullies.

She engaged in the classic MRA tactic of switching sexes when it comes to cultural narratives. That approach doesn’t work in a culture that is male dominated and is quite silly.

She had some recommendations to help men and boys

  • teach men about abusive women
  • teach men about gold diggers
  • have pre-custody agreements
  • men shouldn’t mingle personal assets with marriage assets
  • no chivalry

Again, this conference is more about villifying women and girls than it is about helping men and boys.

Mike Buchanan: Women in the Whine Cellar

I heard Mike go through his schpeel and it’s the same schpeel he’s been yapping about for years. I fell asleep. He’s the one that needs a whine cellar.

This is where I stopped listening and started sleeping. zzzzz

Be back tomorrow but before I go let’s look at AVFM’s misogynist tweet they sent out today


Dean Esmay In: Thou Shalt Not Protest Misogynists

Men Have Always Had to Fight For Rights You Silly Feminazi!

Historically, men have never had to fight for a damned thing. Things like reproductive rights, the right to vote, the right to be educated, the right to NOT marry, the right to own property, the right to drive, the right not to be raped by a husband, the right to equal pay, and so on.

Now that there are a bunch of middle class white males hollering from the mountains they have no rights and holding speaking events where their major leaders drone on and on what horrible cunts, bitches and whores women and feminists are, there are protests against them. They’re actually surprised! How dare those feminists stand up and protest us woman haters! They’re totalitarians!

These middle class men have never had to get up off their lily white asses to protest anything except maybe to get a beer. Now they want to silence any protest against them by portraying them as violent totalitarians. MRA’s  clearly aren’t used to how this works.

Dean Esmay’s Dishonesty

MRA’s, such as Dean Esmay, want to paint protesters as some sort of violent regime who are silencing men, which is hilarious because anyone who knows anything about totalitarianism knows that the freedom of the people to protest is a vital right that, if taken from the people, becomes a sign of a totalitarian society.

He also wants to lie about why the protestors are actually there in the first place.

Esmay has come out with a new article on AVFM titled What those Who Oppose Our Conference Look Like.’ It is a dishonest propaganda piece. The first video clip is of a protest at a Canadian University against rape/incest apologist Warren Farrell.  Dean claims:

The following videos show the intimidating and violent behavior of feminists attempting to stop people talking about male suicidality, male homelessness, the disappearing of males in higher education facilities, workplace injury, depression, physical health, fathering, and other benign but nevertheless important topics. The intention of protestors is simple: to censure men’s voices, and thereby leave unchallenged the feminist discourse that pretends to explain men’s lives.

Feminists and our allies aren’t protesting against anything like that. In fact, it’s feminists that have done more work towards helping men and boys than AVFM and MRA’s will ever do. Who do you think runs crisis lines for suicide prevention? Not MRA’s. Who works in the soup kitchens and anti-poverty groups? Not MRA’s.

Show Me the Money

The only thing Dean Esmay and Paul Elam and crew have ever done is run a blog and collect hundreds of thousands of dollars, which as Paul admitted, he spends on himself. This is really about money.

Imagine if the $30K in security money raised for this conference was donated to actual services that help men and boys? Instead AVFM would rather use money to go after women they don’t like to get their personal information. Remember the appx. $1K Paul held out to find out information about a woman who was, more than likely, attacked by an MRA? AVFM was more concerned with exposing this poor woman as a liar than helping men and boys. That thousand bucks would go a long way at a crisis line.

This ‘bait and switch’ technique Elam thinks will work. By writing one misogynist rant after another, Elam thinks this will gain him mainstream media attention and then ouila! Elam can finally get in there, remove his mask, and people will listen to him talk about men and boys, or so he tells the men that send him money.

The problem is he’s a woman hater and so are the men that work for and flock to the site. There is no mask.  THIS is what feminists protest against.

Since the first protests began against MRA’s in 2013, starting with the protest against the rape apologist/incest apologist Warren Farrell, MRA’s have been furious that feminists and our allies are making signs, chanting, and just generally being aware that the “Men’s Human Rights movement’ is simply a male supremacist misogynist movement.

Dean then posts a 40 second clip of Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy, laughing about a cheating guy who’s penis was cut off by his significant other. Nice try Dean. As if Sharon Osbourne identifies as a feminist and/or is somehow leading a feminist cabal to the promised land. Really Dean, you’re really pulling at shreds here.

Quiz: Which of These Things Is Not Like the Other?

 photo linedupfeministspic_zps84169cb1.png

One of these things is not like the other. One of these things is not the same!

Drop Docs of Female Protesters, Send Death Threats to Intimidate Them into Silence

The next video clip Esmay posts is of a feminist protestor who tried explaining feminism to the questioning MRA’s who held video recorders in her face. When the MRA’s wouldn’t listen and kept cutting her off, she got shrill. In trying to paint her as the average protester, which Dean is trying to do, let’s look at what actually happened to that woman.

After the MRA’s had finished taunting her with a video camera, they all went back to AVFM and hunted for her personal information. They eventually got it, posted it everywhere, and harassed her with death threats online and offline. She had to shut down her social media accounts. This is a regular occurrence at AVFM. They video record women protesting and Paul Elam sometimes offers money to other MRA’s to identify the woman: name, address, workplace etc.

Don’t Forget to Harm Women in Detroit Before You Get There

Attacking individual women is what MRA’s consider ‘activism’ and ‘fighting misandry.’ Even before touching down in Detroit for their conference they went after a local teacher who was part of a group protesting them. They posted her private information and some MRA’s sent letters to Detroit School Boards to harm her employment prospects. MRA’s also went after a feminist professor of Sociology from Wayne State calling her a cunt on Twitter.

The last clip is a pretty standard protest clip, a longer version of the previous clip.. People are holding signs and yelling. A fire alarm went off which was promptly used as another propaganda tool by AVFM to smear feminists with. Nobody knows why or how the alarm went off.

Democracy: You Just Don’t Get It

Middle class white dudes clearly don’t get this. Protesting is not taking away your freedom of speech. You don’t have to like it. Protesting is a viable way to express dissent. That’s the mark of a true democratic society. Feminists aren’t protesting you because you’re helping men and boys. We’re protesting you because you’re a hate group. Elam’s plan is working for himself but you’re quite mistaken if you think it’ll work for ‘men and boys.’

*The comment section on AVFM regarding this article is already blossoming into ridiculousness. Here’s Tom Golden, a figurehead of AVFM

It is truly amazing that such hatred can be not only tolerated but in some ways protected. It calls back to the American south in the 1950’s where the authorities were just as bigoted as the population.

If Tom could have it his way, the privileged white male way, he’d have no protesting at any event. MRA’s always compare themselves to black slaves cuz ya know, white men couldn’t go to school, were kept as property, beaten, raped, and forced to work for nothing. Yep. coolstorybro