Jim Norton Is a Horrible Human Being


Jim Norton: Momma’s Little Monster

Male supremacy is so often on display that we get numb to it sometimes. It’s that metaphor about a goldfish not knowing what water is because it’s surrounded by it for its entire life. Misogyny is all around us, all the time. Many of us have to ‘turn off’ to take a break from it, like I’ve done this summer, only to have one male supremacist asshole  knock me back into consciousness. For me, that’s Jim Norton.

Jim wrote a long mansplain in TIME called ‘In Defense of Johns’ about how he’s a nice guy who pays prostituted women and girls to do whatever he likes. Jim is so proud of this fact, he thinks he deserves a parade down 5th Ave in New York.

The interesting thing about the very beginning of his piece is that he imagines his parents hiding while he’s on a parade float getting confetti thrown his way. You see, Jim knows somewhere in his empty head that prostitution isn’t good for women and girls. He just doesn’t give a shit.

‘I envisioned myself being carted down New York City’s Fifth Avenue on the back of a flatbed truck, waving to cheering fans as confetti rained down on me and my disappointed parents hid behind a mailbox.’

Jim repeats every debunked claim made by liberals on the left: that prostitution should be legal because it’s ‘safer’, that it can be regulated, that ‘more security’ works. We know that these claims are bullshit. One serious look at any country that has ‘regulated’ prostitution instantly lays these claims to shame.

He trots out the ‘less rapes’ argument too. Inherent in that very argument is an admission that men are monsters, that they’re brainless predatory animals who will rape if they don’t get to buy women and girls off the street to abuse and torment.

‘By keeping prostitution illegal because we find it morally objectionable, we allow (or, more accurately, you allow) sex workers to constantly be put into dangerous situations. Studies have shown that rapes and STDs dropped drastically from 2003 to 2009 in Rhode Island after the state accidentally legalized it.’

Let’s talk about shame for a minute. Jim says he’s not ashamed that he can’t have an equal sexual encounter with a woman who can freely consent. Jim thinks that when he gives a prostituted female some money that she’s freely consenting. Jim thinks you ‘buy’ consent. Most sweatshop owners agree with him.  Once you give a woman a $20, her systematic oppression, her lifelong struggles with poverty, drug addiction and childhood trauma magically disappear. Awww, Jim’s such a ‘Nice Guy.’

Jim is particularly mad at the Nordic Model, the only model designed to help women and girls escape their horrific lives being prostituted. Johns get arrested and fined when they attempt to pay a woman or girl for rape.

‘Law-enforcement stings designed to shame men who pay for sex are nothing more than the state blowing its own morality horn.’

What do you mean he can’t buy a sex slave? I bet Jimmy is a Libertarian. Poor diddums.

I’m also sick to death of lefty men dismissing the harms in prostitution by claiming there’s no moral argument. There IS a moral argument. It’s the argument about female human beings having rights not to be sexually preyed upon and damaged en masse because they happen to be in the lowest class. It’s like saying poor people are supposed to be given slave wages and their bodies and minds broken because large corporations need to have cheap labour. Lefty men just brush it off as ‘Psssh! Morality!’

‘If these men are anything like me, they might simply feel more comfortable with prostitutes.’

Trust me Jim, you’re not alone. Plenty of men are male supremacists just. like. you. The reason men like you are more comfortable is because you don’t have to interact with an equal. You see Jim, women and girls who aren’t in the prostituted underclass won’t tolerate the abuse. That’s why so many Johns are married or have girlfriends. These men can only abuse and degrade a destitute woman.

Many middle class white women take to social media pronouncing how choicy, choice, choice it is to be anally raped day in and day out for $10 bucks a time. We here at Mancheeze call that Liberal Feminism aka Men’s Rights Activism. It’s the brainless assholes like you that promote it.

‘I never pick them up to be abusive. I always feel extraordinarily loving and close to them. When I first began soliciting sex for money, it never occurred to me that some of them are possibly forced into prostitution or have abusive pimps. I must have known it deep down on an intellectual level but hadn’t witnessed anything to confirm it.’

I’ve never seen an albatross up close and personal Jim, but I know they exist.

‘The only experience I’ve had where an element of violence was present was driving on 48th Street in New York and talking to a girl through my passenger window. (A big part of my addiction is the ritualistic aspect, and for some reason I only liked to pick up prostitutes who talked to me through the passenger window.) As we were speaking, a van full of girls stopped, and a guy I assume was her pimp bounced her across the hood of my car and threw her in the van.’

Jim likes ritualized submission from women. That’s why he loves them coming up to his car window. Jim feels dominant and manly when impoverished, drug addicted and psychologically traumatized women chase after his car. It makes him feel wanted. His mother must be proud she raised a son like him. If I had known my son was going to turn out the way Jim did I would’ve proudly aborted.

After Jim admits he’s seen the abuse, he carries on shamelessly promoting the enslavement and degradation of women and girls. Jim, like most men, simply doesn’t care they’re contributing to half the human race being robbed of human dignity. All Jim cares about is himself and his feelz.

You’re a shit heel Jim. I’m not done with you either.



Here’s his crappy article:


In Defense of Johns

Christopher Lovenguth Jim Norton

I’m not ashamed to pay for sex—and other men shouldn’t be either

As a man who has spent an embarrassing amount of money on prostitutes and various other sexual encounters, I was excited when I heard about a “National Day of Johns,” because I thought I was being honored.

I envisioned myself being carted down New York City’s Fifth Avenue on the back of a flatbed truck, waving to cheering fans as confetti rained down on me and my disappointed parents hid behind a mailbox. A silly (yet understandable) mistake on my part, as the National Day of Johns was a celebration of the arrests of hundreds of men in a series of sex stings in 15 states. The fact that I’ve never been arrested in one of these stings should convince even the most ardent of atheists that miracles are indeed possible.

I suppose you could say I am the consummate john. I’m loyal, I’m dedicated, and I will always come back — even as it seems as though efforts to shame johns are on a national upswing throughout the country.

I cannot even fathom a guess as to how much money — let alone time — I’ve spent on paid sex in the past 25 years. Although I can tell you that when Charlie Sheen confessed he’d spent $50,000 in one year, I nodded my head and saw it as an achievable goal. Because I’ve never actually tallied the dollar amount of my sex addiction, my therapist tells me I should — her logic being that a concrete cost would make it more definitive and its consequences more tangible.

But really, perhaps the most shameful thing I can admit is this: I’m not really ashamed. And neither should any of these other (unmarried) johns who have been arrested.

If these men are anything like me, they might simply feel more comfortable with prostitutes. I never pick them up to be abusive. I always feel extraordinarily loving and close to them. When I first began soliciting sex for money, it never occurred to me that some of them are possibly forced into prostitution or have abusive pimps. I must have known it deep down on an intellectual level but hadn’t witnessed anything to confirm it.

Until I did.

The only experience I’ve had where an element of violence was present was driving on 48th Street in New York and talking to a girl through my passenger window. (A big part of my addiction is the ritualistic aspect, and for some reason I only liked to pick up prostitutes who talked to me through the passenger window.) As we were speaking, a van full of girls stopped, and a guy I assume was her pimp bounced her across the hood of my car and threw her in the van.

This is why I’m a firm believer that prostitution should be legalized and pimps should be thrown down an elevator shaft.

Law-enforcement stings designed to shame men who pay for sex are nothing more than the state blowing its own morality horn. Being a comedian who is single allows me a luxury most johns don’t have, which is the freedom to discuss the topic openly. And not from a case-study point of view but from the honest point of view of someone who has spent the equivalent of a Harvard Law School education on purchasing sex.

By keeping prostitution illegal because we find it morally objectionable, we allow (or, more accurately, you allow) sex workers to constantly be put into dangerous situations. Studies have shown that rapes and STDs dropped drastically from 2003 to 2009 in Rhode Island after the state accidentally legalized it. The American Journal of Epidemiology showed that the homicide rate for prostitutes is 50 times that for those in the next most dangerous job for a woman, working in a liquor store. You don’t need a master’s in sociology to understand it would be much safer for sex workers if they were permitted to work in places that provided adequate security. Legalizing prostitution would also alleviate the fear a sex worker may have about reporting a john’s abusive behavior because of the risk of arrest.

The illegal aspect of prostitution has never deterred me, nor would legalizing it cause me to engage in it more.

The decision people make to have sex for a living would undoubtedly confuse and repulse a large part of the population. But in a free society, people must be allowed to make choices for themselves that are incomprehensible to others. By keeping prostitution illegal and demonizing all of its parties, we (you) are empowering pimps and human traffickers and anyone else who wants to victimize sex workers because they feel helpless under the law.

Give sex workers rights. Give johns a break.

When MRA’s Email Me

I got this lovely email from ‘some angry dude’ a few days ago. It’s amazing to me how angry these men are. He purposely titled it as a donation email because he wanted to make sure I read it.

Joe MRA nasty email

Notice it’s all about sexual access to this lowlife scum. It’s not about me being Jewish. It’s about his entitled view that women are supposed to love sex with losers. Sex is all this guy wants. Also notice his reinforcement of femininity aka submission to men. This guy needs to grow up and understand that many women don’t want families and don’t revolve their lives around men’s penises.

What’s hilarious is that I did ‘faze’ him to the point he wrote to me. Apparently this little angry dude gets wound up pretty easily. He will be reported to the police as I do with every nasty communication I get from these silly men who have no lives.





My Canuck Sisters, Say Goodbye

Today, PM Justin Trudeau announced Bill C16. 

Men who wear dresses and raise their pinky finger while drinking a Starbucks will be considered a protected class. This means if they want in on women’s spaces, nobody will be able to deny them access.

The interesting thing about the bill is the definition of gender and gender identity. The circularity is dumbfounding. The Justice Department explains:

Gender identity is each person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person’s gender identity may be the same as or different from the gender typically associated with their sex assigned at birth. For some persons, their gender identity is different from the gender typically associated with their sex assigned at birth; this is often described as transgender or simply trans. Gender identity is fundamentally different from a person’s sexual orientation.

Gender expression is how a person publicly presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person’s chosen name and pronoun are also common ways of expressing gender.

There are a variety of individual experiences of gender and of gender expression. The terms “gender identity” and “gender expression” include a wide range of gender diversity.

Internal experiences and sensations are not material realities and cannot be legislated. Gender resides in your psychology. It’s interesting they use the term ‘sense.’ We can’t legislate senses because they are highly inaccurate. Also if ‘there are a variety’ of individual experiences of gender, which ones matter?

Moving onto ‘Gender expression’ we see the words ‘behaviour’ and ‘appearance.’ A person’s behaviour and appearance aren’t connected to a person’s sex.  Sex is independent of gender. You cannot change your clothes in order to change your sex. You are born a sex that is clearly defined and immutable.

Gender is independent of sex. Gender is an invented concept of patriarchy. It’s a hierarchy with ‘femininity’ at the bottom and ‘masculinity’ on top. Gender behaviours and appearances are learned, and it means they can be unlearned. A female infant is not born with a predilection to play with dolls or wear pink. She is taught that this is her ROLE. I know I’m preaching to the choir here but this is mainly for people who don’t understand the differences.

Feminism rejects gender because it teaches females behaviours and attitudes that are detrimental to our freedoms as human beings.

Transactivists are enforcing gender stereotypes ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity.’ They’re saying if a boy plays with dolls, flicks his long hair, and claims he’s a girl, he really is a girl.

Let’s make a list of feminine stereotypes based on ‘behaviour’ and ‘appearance.’ Feel free to add your own in the comment section.

  • flicking hair
  • wearing eyeliner
  • wearing a dress or skirt
  • swinging hips
  • playing with dolls
  • long painted fingernails/toenails
  • long hair
  • high heels
  • scared of insects and snakes
  • quiet and sensitive
  • emotional
  • submissive

I could go on and on with ‘feminine’ stereotypes but this is not what makes a woman. A woman is an adult human female. If a male does any of the above and claims to be female, Canada will call him a woman. In fact, because gender identity relies on ‘sense’, all a male has to do is claim he’s a woman and he’ll be allowed into any women’s space he wants. Women’s shelters, prisons, organizations, sports teams, events, etc. are now all open any male who ‘senses’ he’s a woman.

Say goodbye to women-only spaces. Say goodbye to privacy. Say goodbye to women’s sports. Say goodbye to safety. Say goodbye to your class protections.

Men want in.

Say goodbye to sisterhood.



For good reading material, here’s a Canadian Human Rights case whereby a man in a dress demanded a Woman-Only Rape Shelter hire him as a rape crisis counsellor. When he was told ‘no’ he threatened the women that ran the shelter and then proceeded to try and bankrupt the shelter with a 12-year court battle that took time and resources away from women who were raped.

Vancouver Rape Relief won the case but it took 12 long years, loss of precious time and money that Canadian women depended on. Women’s services were already being gutted by the Tories.

Our women-only space must be fought for. We can’t just sit on the sidelines and expect it to be handed to us.

Here’s the list of Canadian Senators you can write to about C-16 and explain your concerns. You can write to the Liberals but it’s unlikely they’ll hear you. The Tories might listen. Remember it was the Tories that got C36 (Nordic Model re: prostitution) into law.







Why Richard Dawkins Is An Asshat


I’ve been watching on the sidelines as Richard Dawkins tweets himself into a corner. It all started when he tweeted a cartoon uploaded by a but-I’m-not-a-Men’s Rights activist, SargonofAkkad aka Carl Benjamin, on Youtube, (I won’t link it because it’s misogynist crap) The cartoon was ridiculous and featured a young woman that men’s rights activists have attacked for at least 2 years and who they call ‘Big Red.’ She was just a young woman who was at the University of Toronto protest against Warren Farrell, who is called the ‘father’ of the Men’s rights movement.

Here’s Dawkins’ original tweet that was captured and later erased :


This young woman was unlucky in the sense that she attended a protest at the University of Toronto and was video recorded by the fellas over at the misogynist hate site A Voice for Men. In fact, the man who continually talked over her and interrupted her in the video was Dan Perrins, an MRA who has a criminal record for assault and stalking. Even I have a police report on him for stalking me.

Lindy West attempted to educate Dawkins, to get him to remove the cartoon tweet, because she knew it would result in another round of harassment and threats. Dawkins eventually removed the tweet but then doubled down after someone sent him the actual video of the protest, which he re-tweeted.

Dawkins retweet of Toronto Protest


Dawkins called this young woman ‘vile’ and basically said she deserved whatever she got as long as it wasn’t threats. He carried on retweeting MRA’s and even suggested that the threats and harassment Big Red has gotten for at least 2 years were just fake. He even retweeted Andrea Hardie aka Judgybitch from A Voice For Men.






Let’s educate the hypocritical white male on this entire situation.

First, there is no alliance between radical feminists and Islamists. None. The cartoon itself was one giant strawman. It’s clear to me that Dawkins, like his MRA followers, don’t know the difference between radical and neoliberal feminism. These guys go to Jezebel and think that’s radical feminism. Hint: it’s not. There is no rational argument to be made that any form of feminist thought is in line with Islamism. The cartoon itself made zero sense. It was just an attack on women and feminists. Are we supposed to think Dawkins is ignorant of this fact? Clearly not, because his original tweet pictured above is him singling out a ‘minority’ of feminists.

Fun fact: if you do a search on google.ca for ‘big red feminist’ it returns 18.7 MILLION results.

Second, Dawkins was sent (probably by an MRA) the original protest video from Toronto and decided that Big Red deserves whatever scorn she gets. Why? Because she told Dan Perrins to shut the fuck up? I thought Western women could tell men who were harassing them to shut the fuck up? Did Dawkins know what was taking place there? It was like any other protest where women are video recorded by men’s rights activists and harassed. Did Dawkins know that Dan Perrins, the MRA with the criminal record, was the one taunting her? Did he know that they purposely recorded her and uploaded it to Youtube with the express purpose of doxxing and terrorizing her for years? That’s what men’s rights activists do. Big Red is not a public figure. She’s a young woman who was ambushed and recorded by MRA’s for the express purpose of harassment both online and offline.

Further Reading on Dan Perrins:

CBC Radio Interview Exposes CAFE’s Justin Trottier’s Dishonesty (Trottier calls an MRA who sits on his Board of Directors (Dan Perrins) an extremist.’

Dan Perrins Calls the Police on Me For Being a ‘Radical Feminist Who Hates Men’ | Mancheeze

Dan ‘Kill The Bitch’ Perrins of AVFM and CAFE On A Liquid Diet For ‘Ethics in Journalism’ Or Something | Mancheeze

Dawkins, who bleats wildly over the dark-skinned men and their Sharia Law, is behaving exactly like they do. Islamists single out ‘SOME’ women, the ‘bad ones’, and publicly stone them. Dawkins thinks there’s a subgroup, a class of Western women, or ‘some feminists,’ that deserve to be abused and ridiculed. He clearly outlined that Big Red deserves male abuse because she’s ‘vile’, a ‘Lovecraftian horror’, and ‘nasty.’

Why does Big Red deserve abuse? Because Dawkins says so. He was told she was a young woman who was singled out by MRA’s and abused on social media for years but that didn’t phase him.

Dawkins was then dis-invited by the NECSS conference in New York. This sent the manbabies in a fury.

Dawkins responded:

I woke up this morning to see a public announcement that my invitation to speak at NECSS 2016 had been withdrawn by the executive committee. I do not write this out of concern about my appearance or non-appearance at NECSS, but I wish there had been a friendly conversation before such unilateral action was taken.

I bet the young woman you targeted for further abuse wished for the same thing. Even when you were notified that she was targeted you doubled down after watching ONE VIDEO. Did you speak to her and find out about how she felt being terrorized for 2 years?

It is possible I could have allayed the committee members’ concerns, or, if not, at least we could have talked through their objections to my tweet. If our community is about anything, it is that reasoned discussion is the best way to work through disagreements.

Except when it comes to ‘some feminists’ you decide are vile and deserve it.

I might mention that, before receiving any word from NECSS, I had already deleted the tweet to which they objected. I did it purely because I was told that the video referenced a real woman, who had been threatened on earlier occasions because of YouTube videos in which she appeared to her disadvantage.

You did delete it and then you said she deserves more. You retweeted men’s rights activists who were saying her harassment was fake.

I have no knowledge of the authenticity of the alleged death and rape threats. But to delete my tweet seemed the safest and most humane course of action. I have always condemned violence and threats of violence, for example in this tweet, which I also posted the day before the NECSS decision.


There it is again, you DENY that she was even harassed when all it would take is a simple Google search like I did above to find out the truth of it. Or hey, maybe you could’ve tried speaking with her before taking the word of every MRA fanboy you retweeted? Just a thought.


I wish the NECSS every success at their conference. The science and scepticism community is too small and too important to let disagreements divide us and divert us from our mission of promoting a more critical and scientifically literate world.


It’s too bad Dawkins doesn’t take that critical approach when talking about feminism, something he clearly knows nothing about but feels totally free to conflate with Islamism. I mean how scientifically illiterate is that?

And today it’s no better:



Today, a long post was published to explain the decision to uninvite Dawkins from the upcoming NECSS con. It was surprisingly mild in my opinion considering Dawkins behaviour. And let me say one more thing, although I find myself in disagreement with some of the folks over at FreeThoughtBlogs, they have some excellent posts up. Here’s a few I really liked:

Dawkins Goes Denialist: An Open Letter to the CFI Board

NECSS Dumps Richard Dawkins Over Hate Tweet | Skepchick


Dawkins posted a Nazi propaganda image this morning. It was hidden in the code at the bottom. It was screencapped before he erased it. This was an accident but it shows that Dawkins isn’t so skeptical about what he’s tweeting while he’s going after ‘Social Justice Warriors.’ The term itself is something the Manosphere and Alt Right dudes use to castigate feminists.

I have a post coming up on the Western male hypocrisy in regards to the sexual assaults in Cologne and other cities in Germany. It will be a doosie.


Men’s Rights Activist Buys Domain Names To Target And Punish Women

MRA Jack Barnes has bought the domain names of several women he’s targeted for stalking and harassment. In an effort to terrorize Clementine Ford, Kerri Sackville, and Traci Spicer, Barnes has bought clementineford.com and the rest.

When I first heard about this, I thought it was similar to the actions of a male batterer who wants to continue to intimidate and stalk an ex. This is how personal this latest round of online terrorism seems to me. Also, during the hangout (below) Barnes and Elam were saying things to the effect of ‘if these women don’t keep their mouths shut online, we’ll publish the sites and make them live.’ That’s a threat.

His goal is to punish these women for being women who speak online about women’s rights. His intention is to have his sites, filled with hateful, misogynist articles, to come up first in a Google search. Barnes and Elam hope that these women suffer job loss and other opportunities.

In a hangout, they describe exactly what they’ve done and why they’ve done it.

I don’t know what the laws are around purchasing a domain name in anothers name and filling it with online misogyny with the express purpose of harming them. I can’t imagine this is legal to do but on the other hand, internet laws are still developing. If the women object to this, I can’t imagine any court turning them down.

Barnes and Elam are prepared for that. James Huff, who was also in the hangout, mentioned that he knows the law will intervene and that it’s a good thing because they’ll get the names of the people who support these women. Huff is the MRA responsible for finding the dox of several women on radfemhub and dropping them to the world in the Agent Orange Files.

Barnes has published clementineford.com. I checked and the site is live. I will not link it as it’s a record of Barnes stalking her Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. In fact, she just unpublished her Facebook page.

I have archived the site in case he takes it down. I have also downloaded the video of the hangout where he admits what he’s done along with his threats.

Remember, the men’s rights movement is totally about men’s rights and not about terrorizing women.

Kevin Logan’s Gynocracy

Kevin Logan and the ‘male feminists’ of Youtube regularly go after Thunderfoot aka Phil Mason and other MRA’s for their anti-feminist views while perpetuating the same attitudes and crap arguments they do.  Kevin Logan can point out flaws in other people’s arguments but resorts to MRA strawman-type arguments in order to shout down women and girls.

In this video, Kevin makes a bale of hay.

Go to 46:10 and listen for a few minutes.

The best part was his set up. He’s a feminist because he’s able to learn dammit! He’s able to LOLgically see the world for what it is, uh, except for, uh, those nasty women and girls who want privacy rights. And those would be TERFS! He despises those privileged bigots who get video recorded and assaulted by males in what’s supposed to be a legally private space.

He also doesn’t get that men claiming to be women are invading women only domestic violence shelters and then assaulting women. Because neoliberals think gender is real, men can come and go, assault women and girls whenever they feel like it. So feminist eh?

If you’re a 15 year old girl at the YMCA, you best just get over the fact a grown adult naked male can shower next to you. If you can’t handle that you’re a TERF and a nasty bigot, Kevin Logan, the male feminist, will let you know just how bigoted you are. Prior to the YMCA changing their policies to allow grown naked men to shower and change with young girls, as long as they call themselves women, they’ve had tons of problems [1] [2] [3] with men spying on little girls while they’re showering and changing. In fact, men have never left women and little girls alone and that’s why we have privacy rights in the first place. Ask any woman how old she was when an adult male targeted her sexually. Ask her. The most common answer will be 10 or 11 years old.

Now why did Kevin mangle his chances at an argument? Well, he has no argument. He said us nasty women and girls think we’re better because we’re born female and that’s why we’re so twanzphobic. This is a classic MRA argument. MRA’s think we live in a gynocracy where women are born with all the privileges and it’s women who actually run the world. Kevin, you dope.

The sad thing is Kristi Winters never corrected him. Not once. If you rewind that video 5 minutes earlier she discusses the fact that there is no evidence for a male or female brain. This is one of the ‘arguments’ men in dresses are using to invade our privacy!

Just the other day a man in a dress, Davina Ayrton, who thinks he’s a woman, was convicted for raping a 15 year old girl. He was sent to a male prison, where he belongs. Cue the liberal outrage machine. They’re gonna screech until he gets put in a women’s prison where he can rape again and put other women at risk.

Let’s break this down for Kevin:

Davina has a penis. Davina is not a woman. Davina is MALE. Davina does not have a female brain. Davina raped a girl with HIS penis. He was convicted and is now in a male prison.

Now Kevin, please tell me how that 15 year old girl who was raped has privilege because she’s female? Please tell me how women and girls are bigots for not wanting a male in their private space? I suppose all those women in prison who don’t want to house with a rapist are just the nastiest bigots ever, amirite Kev?

See Kevin, it’s easy for you to be a ‘feminist’ because you don’t have to address an ounce of male privilege. You actually just get to sit on your ass and smugly denounce women and girls as bigots for knowing that penis is male while they’re being raped by those same men.


His womanly penis is female and teenage girls are bigots for not letting him into their private spaces. Even the crime stats will count this improperly and state a woman raped another woman.

Jack Barnes Learns About Consequences After Threatening Kerri Sackville And Others

This will not be allowed to continue without consequences.~Jack Barnes

Truer words hath never been spoken. Now that Jack Barnes has published an angry, threatening screed against journalist Kerri Sackville, the Australian Broadcasting Company has a full article and picture of Barnes which includes his threats and affiliation with hate site A Voice for Men.

Jack Barnes is one of the most unstable men over at A Voice for Men and that’s not saying much I know. He’s attacked and threatened journalist Kerri Sackville over a Huffpo article where the hashtag #endviolenceagainstwomen was created by a private women’s group on Facebook to highlight the violent misogynist abuse men direct at women. Women are simply re-tweeting the screen name of the male abuser plus his abusive comments.

Clementine Ford is also involved in the campaign.  Men don’t even hide their identities while hurling misogynist threats. One abuser was fired from his job after sending Ford abuse.

Here’s a summary of the #endviolenceagainstwomen Twitter campaign. It’s important to note that the campaign is over a month old and Jack Barnes is still beating his chest over it.

“The campaign was born of reading through the messages on Clem’s social media posts and I was horrified. There are men threatening to rape, maim and murder her. As a woman in the media I sometimes get abused but I’m under the radar. So, for me, it’s a matter of ‘If violence and abuse is directed at one woman, it’s directed at all of us,” Sackville said.

Unfortunately, she’s not under the radar anymore. Now that she’s taken a stand the men are more than willing to violate her too.

jack barnes.png

Jack Barnes, member of A Voice for Men hate group

Nothing like proving women right, eh Jacky boy? Now, Barnes is hurling abuse at Sackville, effectively showing that not only is it metaphorically true that misogyny is directed at all women but it actually is directed at all women. Jack Barnes and the fellas over at A Voice for Men will make sure of it.

Jack let loose on his precious keyboard in an article titled ‘Is Kerry Sackville a Slut?’

‘Is Kerri Sackville a slut? Maybe. Maybe not. But she is a cunt. She is crazy. She is a misogynist. She is a misandrist. Judging by her behavior of late, the word “cunt” is a good description.’

Before Jack engages in his violent diatribe he gives the men some advice, which he fails to take himself.

‘They want you to be offended by what they say. Don’t give them what they want. It deflates them and sends them on their way. But I’m an adult which is the biggest difference between Kerri and myself.’

Barnes is about to prove every woman involved in this campaign correct with a metaphor about strangling women.

It’s no secret that we have our hands on the throat of feminism. This isn’t the time to ease up. This is the time to squeeze harder.

Next he imagines lots of men in a gang style attack:

‘Here is what we do. We make it hurt. If they want to continue to do this then we make them regret it. They need to learn that their are consequences for doing this. They need to learn that we will extract a pound of flesh, figuratively speaking. They need to learn to fear retribution from us.’

He makes reference to a new plan that will come into play at the end of February. It’s the same old plan: violence and misogyny directed at women online and offline.

‘Lets just say a plan is in place and being brought into fruition as we speak. Expect it to be revealed before the end of February provided that everything goes according to plan. Let me also say that soon we will have online tools at our disposal to strike fear in the hearts of feminists. Be ready for it.’

Barnes has invented grandiose stories about feminists attacking him that remind me of JohntheOther’s boxcutting wielding feminist story that was completely discredited.

‘MHRAs with lives ruined, imprisoned and dead is not outside the realm of possibility. This is not tinfoil hat thinking’


‘The tactics Sackville & Co. use are very similar to that of the German SS.’

Someone better tell Twitter that retweeting is just like Nazi Germany.

There are indeed consequences for being a violent asshat online.


Live Chat Comments From Elam’s Date With Roosh As Promised

I promised I would publish the live chat comments from the hangout Elam did with Roosh. The ideas these men have about women are absolutely primitive. Nay, they’re not even primitive. They are utterly disgusting.

One commenter, Andrew P,  was intent on getting all the men in the chat to understand the right way to treat women.


There is no secretive misogyny from Patrick. These men are totally honest about it.


Chip Whitley has a plan for women, and that’s popping out kids and being chained up in the kitchen.


A surprising comment by Dan Perrins who questioned these Conservative Roosh followers about their ideas, to no avail.


Clockworkelves doesn’t want women in any leadership positions because it makes him sad.

4Chip Whitley reminds the men that equality isn’t good in a marriage, but it has nothing to do with those evil Muslim darkies and their Sharia law.17

The hope we had for Dan Perrins is quickly shattered as the dudes share their plans for wives who have had kids and gain extra weight.


The next time dudes say there’s no such thing as patriarchy, remind them of this post. The male need to control and dominate women is a conscious process of men, not an unconscious one. I see neoliberal feminists cave in to MRA’s on this point. They continually remind men that patriarchy isn’t purposeful and that men don’t even know they’re doing it.

They clearly do know.

Aurini was also present in the hangout and shared.


Finally, the men admit they don’t use their brains. The men’s rights movement is really about their dicks. Truest shit ever.



Rape Teaches Rape: Allison Tieman’s Whacko Video


See Updates at bottom.

The recent rapes and sexual assaults in Cologne has MRA’s condemning those darkie Muslims. It has them beating their manbaby chests with cries of ‘THOSE MUSLIMS ARE RAPING OUR WOMEN!’ I will be doing a longer post on this subject, completely dismantling the men’s rights movement but in the meantime, Allison Tieman just released a video tsk tsking her movement for condemning Muslim men. The video is titled ‘Shark Infested Waters.’

If you think her angle is going to be something along the lines of sane, you’re sadly mistaken. She rants so hard she mangles the English language several times.

She tells the white males of the MRM they better embrace the darkie male rapists or else white female pedophiles are gonna snatch up those Muslim boys, or summat. Meanwhile, she shares her personal opinion of Muslim men that has them being deported and told to swim for it. There’s even talk of Kindergarten classes on sexual consent to be initiated by the Gynocracy.

So let me guess this straight. She hates Muslim men but wants white men to stand up for Islamic rapists because they’re men? What? In an effort to show that feminists are ‘lying about rape culture’ she wants white men to ignore the attacks in Cologne and other cities in Europe because her ideology says there is no rape culture. Brilliant.

To top off the insanity of her video she also links a study and claims that boys in these countries are more abused but the very first paragraphs of her study show the exact opposite.

It is also clear from research to date that girls are much more likely to be victimized than boys, with gender differences even more pronounced at the more severe levels of sexual abuse—i.e., both categories of contact abuse. In addition, while girls are the majority of victims of CSA, males are the majority of perpetrators who sexually abuse boys (80%) and girls (95%) both for reported cases of abuse and general population surveys (Finkelhor et al, 1986: 126).


The more patriarchal a society is, the greater the discrimination against females, the more unequal access to resources and power, including the power to protect oneself from violence, and the greater the violence against women and girls including rape, incest, child sexual abuse of girls, sexual harassment and exploitation (Russell, 1984; Schwendinger and Schwendinger, 1976).

In specific populations of the Islamic world there is a slightly higher number of boys sexually abused but it’s MEN ABUSING THEM and also, little girls are told to be SILENT about their abuse. So the figures aren’t accurate. I’m betting we’d find the same pattern with girls being the overwhelming victims of sexual abuse.

The pattern seems to be one where boys are abused by men who tend to be asexual with adults as they tend to be exclusively drawn to boys. Girls are more likely to be sexually abused by heterosexual men who also commit violence against adult women.


Tieman made another video called ‘I Hate Muslim Men.’ It’s a real doosie. She recalls living in Saudi Arabia being hit by men with sticks. She also discusses the bigotry of the Islamic men and the male caste system. Therefore, she hates Muslim men. Oh and she ate some good date cookies. It’s bizarre.

UPDATE: Paul Elam and Dean Esmay did a hangout called ‘All Muslims Are Rapists And That’s All They Are /sarc.’ Dean and Paul deny the severity of the attacks in Cologne saying it’s simply street gangs who are ultra religious. They try giving a history lesson but I don’t take anything out of their mouths as fact. They blame the rapes on the disenfranchisement and poverty of these men. Rapes become a thing poor, angry men do in Elam’s and Esmay’s world.

Elam tells women who are now afraid of being raped by gangs of Islamists to carry a gun. That’s his brilliant plan for women. Note: women in these countries aren’t allowed to carry guns. Problem solved! Elam is such a dolt. Then they say that women shouldn’t carry guns because they’ll shoot men over silly things. Wow, these two are brilliant. They contradict themselves after each sentence and Elam seems more intent on bashing Roosh and his followers.

‘Demonization of one group of people never works.’ Elam, who disparages an entire group of people: women and feminists.

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